Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Prep

Josie spent a lot of the week getting ready for the big day. She had a dress up day at PEPS and all of her little friends dressed up too. She was very proud of herself for holding a real live baby. (Caroline - Boyan's baby sister)

Josie and one of her best friends, Bryn, both dressed up like kitty cats.

Later in the week we had our first attempt at carving pumpkins. At first Josie wasn't too sure about all the slimey, sticky stuff that we had to take out of the pumpkin. But she slowly warmed up to the idea.

And by the end she had a new "little friend."

A Weekend Away

Last weekend Josie went on a little vacation up north to visit Aunt Liz and Uncle Ed. They had all sorts of things planned for Josie.

She petted animals, jumped in big piles of leaves, went swimming in "the little swimming pool" (hot tub) and best of all a trip to the pumpkin patch.
As you can see, Josie thoroughly enjoyed herself.

As did we. We stayed the night at the Alexis Hotel downtown and had a great time. Thanks Liz and Ed!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkins, Pumpkins, Pumpkins!

All week leading up to going to the pumpkin patch Josie wanted to touch every pumpkin she saw. There were pumpkins on other people's porches, glass and ceramic pumpkins on shelves at stores and restaurants (these she was particularly interested in touching) delicate, cut-out pumpkins hanging like crepe paper. Every time she would reach out to touch them I would tell her that she couldn't touch these pumpkins but that on Sunday she would be able to touch all the pumpkins she wanted when we went to the pumpkin patch.
Needless to say, her favorite saying last week was "we go to pumpkin patch on Sunday" and "on Sunday I can touch 'em". And touch them she did. At times she even hugged them.

We met up with some friends from Shorecrest and their families. The kids went on slides and through big tire tunnels and then we all rode out on a tractor to the pumpkin fields and picked out our first family pumpkin. Overall, a successful trip to the pumpkin patch.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Playdough, Books and Cookies

Josie has been really into playdough lately so I made a batch. I was trying to make it purple but it turned out a pretty ugly mix between violet and gray. Thankfully Josie doesn't seem to mind and has been keeping herself busy with the dough and all the hand-me-down playdough toys from the Wileys.

After a curiously long period of quiet last week I went in to see what was keeping Josie so busy. I found her surrounded by her books.
Here is her explanation:

We attempted to make Halloween cookies together. Josie had fun cutting out the shapes and putting the sprinkles on. Her favorite part was eating them :)

Josie loves to get her picture taken. Now when you ask her to say "cheese" this is what you get: