Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Math and Music and German, Oh My

After our Portugal vacation we settled back into Berlin life.  The kids had a bit of a rough time gearing up for the long school week but they did it.  The second day back Josie had a one night overnight trip with her homeroom class to Havelburg.  I'm not even sure what it was about.  Something with her Ethics, Political Science and History classes. She had a fun time and was given a lot of freedom to explore, eat out at restaurants and enjoy the town with her friends.  They had school work too of course, but as in most things in Germany a lot more freedom than they would be given in the states.  And she and her friends rise to the challenge.
Benjamin had a couple play dates after school with his buddies and I was called in for my first three days of subbing.  Three consecutive days which was a really nice way to start. The first day I was a bit nervous.  It was all new, I hadn't actually taught high school since I left to have Josie....13 years ago!!! I didn't even know where the bathrooms were.  Thankfully I got the call on Wednesday afternoon for the next day so I could at least prepare a lunch and get to bed at a decent time.  When I arrive at school, the VERY nice secretary walked me through everything and was very supportive.  I laughed out loud that my day would be "teaching" upper level MATH.   With one class of Music thrown in for good measure.
The kids were great.  The math classes were upper classmen  One class of Seniors and two classes of Jrs. and Sophomores.  They pretty much led the class.  And good thing because I had NO idea what they were talking about.  That math over my head.  Music was OK too.  The kids were a bit more typical in that class.  By typical I mean not bad but also not brainiacs who led the class themselves.  There were a few reminders of putting their phones away and working on the project at hand but definitely nothing to ruin my day and by the end even the couple kind of snotty girls were on my side and we were joking.
I was then called in for Friday and Monday.  These three days were the only days I was actually available to sub in October since most of the month was taken up by vacation.  Friday I covered two history classes (kids took tests and worked independently on projects) and a 7th grade science class where there was an additional aid and the kids worked on documenting observations from a paper plane experiment.
Monday I was a full time GERMAN teacher.  Haha!! Seriously.  Math, Music and German!!  I just thought it was hilarious that I was subbing in these subject areas.  But that even went well.  Tests were given, projects were worked on and because the school is not that big after 3 days I began recognizing some of the same students.  It was actually fun.  I am VERY thankful that I chose to sub in High School over Elementary.  It was the right choice for sure!!  And I'm super glad that it was three days in a row because by day three it felt like old hat.
And the house remodel continues... slooooowwww and steady.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Back in Berlin

We had a great time in Portugal.  I'll likely post a few pictures about the trip later but I know from past experience that if I don't start right away with the present I get overwhelmed and then never start blogging again.
So... here we are October 21st and the first day back to school for the kids in 2.5 weeks! What a crazy long break.  It felt good, like a mini summer but hard to get everyone up this morning.  Myself included.  Even though I really do like to have my own space and time having the kids schedule free for nearly three weeks was really nice.  Benjamin would typically stay up super late reading and then would sleep in until past 10am.  Josie would have probably woken up later too but she normally sleeps with Mogli and he would have her up by 8ish.   As rough as this morning was I am fully aware that tomorrow will be worse.
Tomorrow Josie is off on another class trip to Havelberg.  Just for one night and I know nothing else about the trip.  Other than students can bring cell phones.  That was about all the information I have received.

I'm never ready for vacation to be over but at least the weather in Berlin has been warm and welcoming.  Yesterday we spent many hours in the yard trying to salvage our transplanted roses.  When we bought the house the front was loaded with 3 or 4 beautiful, old, red and orange rose trees. 
Because of the construction we dug them up and replanted them in the back of the garage to try to protect them from the brutal summer sun.  They seem to have survived which is a huge first step.  We pruned and replanted them all over the weekend and hopeful that this week of upper 60s low 70s weather will help them transplant and survive.
Over the 18 days of vacation Benjamin read 11 books!  It really is hard to keep up and keep him supplied.
The kids both had a really good first day back at school.  After school Benjamin and several friends headed to the traffic bike school so he could get his 4th stamp.  They need 6 by the end of the year so we are doing pretty good.  Then his friend Lukas came over to our house and Josie came home with a couple of friends.  They all played out in the front yard with Mogli in the warm spring like weather.  All in all I have to say it is not so bad to be back in Berlin.
They did make quite a bit of progress on our house but still no new bathrooms and the basement is unusable.  There is still no insulation in the attic floor/bedroom roofs and we have to walk through a construction zone to get from our bedrooms to the downstairs (only functioning) bathroom at night.  But hey - we can use the back doors again, the whole is filled and we have new back stairs!!  Baby steps!!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Hello Sunshine My Old Friend

Oh the sun came out in all its glorious glory on Monday.  I didn't realize how the dark gray and rainy weather was getting me down.  It was bright and even kind of warm.
Marty and Josie started off the day with their daily walk with Mogli and to get fresh baked rolls.  We did a bunch of house projects and then I told the kids that we had a bunch of very ripe bananas and that they could make something with them.  They did not need coaxing but I knew I needed to leave the house or I would either micromanage or freak out about the dirty kitchen.  Happily,  I took Mogli on an hour and a half walk all over Zehlendorf.  We stopped at two parks and he ran and played with a few other
dogs.  The sunshine was SO SO nice.
When I got back Josie had already made a batch of chocolate/banana muffins/cupcakes.  And was working on a
banana cheesecake.  She was trying to substitute cream cheese with buttermilk and cottage cheese (YUCK!!)  I commend her for trying to make due but you can't substitute the main ingredient.  We baked the muffins and then took Mogli to the store for the cream cheese so she could try again.  She got a new pair of roller blades for her birthday and she rarely goes on walks now without them.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Move Again.. Kind Of

We had to move Marty's office from the first floor next to the kitchen up to our bedroom because to install the two bathrooms on the bedroom level they have to cut into the ceiling which is directly over his office.  They do construction so differently here.  They have to put the plumbing in the floor of the new bathroom and the ceiling of Marty's office and also slant the floor a bit in the new bathroom.  Anyway, all that to say we had to move... again.  This time much less painful but stressful all the same.  Marty had to figure out how to switch the internet hook up from his office to our bedroom which required some techy tool purchase on Amazon which was delivered around 7:30PM on Saturday.  When he opened it he realized that he also needed 2 9volt batteries.  Problem was, all the stores are closed on Sunday and we had to get this done before his radio show on Monday. I jumped on my bike and sped to the store within minutes to spare before their 8PM closing.  I took
Look how SMALL that thing of milk is??
advantage of a nearly empty shopping bag and splurged and bought a box of Nestle quick hot cocoa.  The days have been cold and things like this are a comfort from home.  I knew I had stocked up on the (stupidly small) one liter containers of milk so we should be set for awhile for hot chocolate. The fact that you cannot buy milk in anything bigger than a liter is highly annoying.  My kids don't drink a ton of milk and I often think how much more annoyed I would be if they did.
Marty's old, empty office. 
Sunday we moved and Marty reconnected wires.  I have to say, he is pretty smart.  At first it didn't work so he tried this and then tried that and then this again and voila.. about an hour or so later he has good strong internet connection up in our bedroom. 

That evening we met our good friends, the Buchanans, at our favorite Asian Place.  It is one of their favorites too.  Not sure they go as much as we do but we all LOVE it. 
Everyone was tuckered out by the end of the day. Since the kids have been on vacation we have all been staying up late and sleeping in.  It has been nice. 

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Slow Saturday

Saturday was SUPER mellow.  I spent quite a bit of time finishing my book, "Unsheltered" by Barbara Kingsolver.  I liked it.  Didn't love it but that might be because I never had time to get into it.  I started it last June before we left for Seattle and just couldn't find the time to read.  I rode my bike to the drink shop for a refill of beer.  11 bottles (.51 liters each,  so 17+ oz) for
10 Euro.  Pretty good.  Alcohol in all forms is SO inexpensive here.   I like just browsing around although I really wish they had more of a selection of IPA beer or craft beer.  It is 98% Pilsner and Wheat Beer/Hefeweisen.

Marty worked on a video for the radio station and the kids came up with the idea to create their own board game.  They are also really into show tunes right now.  Work station..

In the early afternoon we decide to walk to the hardware store because we are in need of some yard tools.  Even though our yard is cluttered with construction material right now it is also in
desperate need of some major hours spent cleaning it up.  It is hard to even see our yard as a yard right now given the amount of construction junk everywhere.
After the hardware store everyone realizes that no one ate lunch and it is around 4PM.  We decide to take the bus the opposite direction and go to one of our favorite Indian restaurants called Nirwana.  Yes, Nirvana with a "W" because Germans pronounce "W's"likes "V's" They know us there and are always so welcoming.
Only in Berlin would you see people riding public transportation with a shovel and a rake and a dog.. haha!!  Doesn't even seem weird here.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Fine Friday

Thankfully Friday was starting off much better.  You never know when you go to bed after such an unfulfilling and disappointing day what the morning will bring but thankfully the stifling air in the house (mostly due to my bad mood) had lifted and we all ate breakfast together. Marty, Josie and Mogli took a long walk and on the way home stopped by the bakery for fresh rolls.  According to Marty, there is nothing better and nothing more German.  He has always been a bread snob and know living here I see why. There is a bakery on every corner and all the bread, rolls and baked goods are super affordable. 
We all took a very long walk through the woods with Mogli to one of our favorite Italian restaurants.  The sun had peaked through the clouds a bit and everyone was in a much better mood.  Phew!! 
Construction continues on our house.  The worst part is that we don't have a bathroom on the level where all of our bedrooms are.  So in the middle of the night you have to put slippers or some other shoes on to trek through the construction zone down to the one, small functioning bathroom.  During the day the one bathroom does not bug me much but at night I always wake up and then spend an hour debating if I really need to go to the bathroom?  Couldn't it just wait until morning.  I know I should just go when I first wake up because I normally end up going after having wasting an hour debating with myself.  Currently there is no insulation between our bedroom floor and the attic floor where we are putting in a separate rental unit.  The stairwell is  FREEZING because in addition to no insulation there is no ceiling in the stairwell or door on the attic unit yet so not only do you have to trek through construction you FREEZE... it is a bit like camping.., in our own house. šŸ™„
The back stairs are slowly being built.  We will finally be able to use our back door again.  Granted it will be winter and no garden parties or eating on the patio until spring but having that back door usable again will be huge. 

Friday, October 4, 2019

'Traurig' Thursday

Thursday was the National Reunification Day.  It also was the first of the kids' 18 days off of school.  12 school days off.  Crazy.  I woke up in a decent mood but not great.  The weather has been uncharacteristically rainy and cloudy.  I have realized since moving here that it wasn't the cold weather that I disliked so much but the rain and the clouds.  Thursday was the 4th day in a row of rainy weather not to mention the temperature was also dropping.  We had such an amazing late Summer and early Fall that this sudden blast of cold and winter weather was like a slap in the face.
At breakfast I tried to discuss my EXTREME dislike for the kids using break to try to add much more screen time to their daily allotment.  I know every generation had their "thing" while raising kids but screen time is definitely mine and especially with my younger one.  He is given 30 minutes a day.  It often gets extended sometimes up to 15 to 30 minutes more.  I wouldn't mind it so much (or maybe I would) if he seem to have any other interests in his life but outside of reading, this is his only passion... and it drives me bat shit crazy.  He won't go on walks with us, he refuses to come outside.  He is either using some of his precious screentime minutes or he is reading.  I get that reading is important but it is starting to be his crutch and excuse to not do anything else. He definitely needs to get more physical activity.
Josie is better, definitely, but if there isn't a limit she would watch youtube videos all day.  She got a new video game for her birthday called Sims4.  She wants to play it ALL the time.  It is a torturous game to listen to. She basically is living life.  The goal is to have a ton of babies.  The "mom" in the game keeps getting points deducted because she doesn't eat or doesn't sleep.  There is a little timer that tells Josie when her "mom" character is low on sleep or food.  Then the "mom" sometimes just passes out in the middle of the floor because she is so tired, hungry and hasn't used the bathroom enough. Hahaha!!  If only that is how it worked in real life when worn out moms didn't take care of themselves.
Anyway, Thursday at breakfast I tried to bring up that we have another 18 days of vacation and I'd really like to come up with some activities or things the kids could do - on their own or with us- instead of screen time.  It is hard enough to keep them to their 30 minute a day limit when they go to school for over half of the day.  I conceded that yes, it was vacation.  And yes, they should be given more than their usual.  But I didn't want to be the one to monitor them.  Truth be told it is the time keeping and the reminding them of how much time they have left and when to get off that I hate.  If they could actually monitor themselves It wouldn't be so bad.  Every time I tell them that their time is up it nearly always causes a fight and then they get mad and then I get mad.  I wanted a plan going into break.  That caused a big family fight.  Marty - who disagrees with my time monitoring and screen limiting- says that they can monitor themselves.  I strongly disagree!  It has been proven that video games and other time spent on digital devices is just as addictive as nicotine or alcohol or other harsher drugs and trust me, if my 9 and 13 year olds had a problem with being addicted to alcohol or cigarettes I could not put a bottle or a pack by their bedside table and tell them to "monitor themselves" especially not at their young ages.
The kids came up with their own plan.  Day one =3 hours of screen time.  It was day one of vacation after all.  Day 2 = 2 hours of screen time. Day 3 = one hour of screen time and then 30 minutes per day after.  They even suggested 3 days of NO screen time.  We will see how they feel about that when that day comes. 
But the rainy weather and the fight about screen time set me off in a nasty, sad mood.  I took Mogli for a long walk but it was gross outside. The rest of the day the kids monitored their 3 hours of screen time and Marty did his radio show.  At least dinner was yummy with the left over enchiladas.  But it was just a 'traurig" (sad in German) day.  Couldn't even muster the energy for a few pics.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Gearing Up for the Holiday

Holidays here are so different than they are in Seattle. I don't mean the special type holidays like Christmas or Easter but just the bank type holidays or even most Sundays for that matter.  Everything is closed.  Well, not everything.  Most restaurants stay open but stores including grocery stores close for the entire day.  Marty and I were talking about how this isn't even a thing one day a year in Seattle.  It used to be on Christmas and maybe New Year's Day stores would close but I think now they open for limited hours in the mornings? I half hate it and half love it.  Every Sunday and most holidays so many people are out walking or riding their bikes for fun.  There really is a complete calm over the city... or at least in our little corner.  I'm sure in the center it is pretty much business as usual , except the grocery stores. People seem to be enjoying the down time.  Something we rarely do in Seattle.  Thursday is another German holiday.  German Reunification Day celebrates when the two halves of Germany became one for the first time since 1945.  In 1990 they created the holiday so we are nearing on 30 years.  It also begins the kids' 2.5 weeks of Fall Break.  I didn't think I would like a more year round school schedule but I have to say that going on 3 years of it, that I really do.  We have a little over 6 weeks in the summer and I thought I would miss that long 10 ish weeks but with so many holidays spread throughout the year 6 weeks seems enough at one stretch.
Tons of veggies.. pre-eggs and cheese. 
Since the holiday is coming I have to make sure I have enough food on hand. I made the sweet potato/black bean enchiladas partly because I knew it would make enough for leftovers for at least one or two days.  I actually doubled the recipe - kind of so, I knew I'd have a lot and thankfully it was a hit.  I hate when I double a new recipe and then everyone hates it.  I made a tasty broccoli, spinach, cheddar frittata with the left over eggs from Josie's birthday party on Tuesday.  It was really good and chock full of healthy veggies but nothing compared to the enchiladas.  I'm sure that is just because we are so Mexican food deprived here.   I knew then that Wednesday through Friday could be left overs.
This also meant that because of the upcoming break I had to stock up on books for Benjamin.  He is currently reading nearly a book a day.  The elementary school library is only open for parents on Wednesdays from 1:30-3:30 šŸ™„šŸ™„ It is so annoying when you have such a ferocious reader and you are living in a country where most of the books in the public library are in German. It is really hard to keep enough books on hand.   Benjamin's library day during his school day isn't until Friday which means due to the holiday he wouldn't even get his once weekly library day.  They say he can come in during his ONE daily (albeit very long) recess.  But he forgets or doesn't want to and to be honest I know he needs that physical play as much as his books.  Thankfully I finally figured out that parents can visit the High School library ANY time.  Yay!! Plus the librarian there is so nice and welcoming.   And because he is only 9 years old, a lot of the books he enjoys are a bit immature for the High Schoolers so they are typically in and ready to be checked out.  Last week Benjamin and I visited together we told the librarian how thankful we were that we could access this library anytime and how much Benjamin reads and she winked at Benjamin and said that she was "happy to help you with your reading problem" šŸ˜‰ So we checked out 2 of the series he is reading (The Cherub series - a teenage spy novel series) but he finished those last week. Thankfully I had already put on hold the rest of the 12 book series at the elementary school library but he is already at book #8 so I knew it wouldn't last us through the break.  While at the HS library last week I also checked out 5 books in a series that states it is similar to the Cherub series.  So I had those in my back pocket but still I knew I needed more.  I found the next 2 books in the newer Cherub series #2.  This Robert Muchamore is a prolific writer.  Thankfully!  It is so nice when Benjamin gets into an author that has written so many books so we have a "next book" when he finishes.    So I guess his books #8-12 of his current series, #1-2 of the next Cherub series and the first 5 books of the Alex Rider series were going to have to get him through the 18 day
Wednesday after school Benjamin had a play date at his friend Zeke's house.  The boys ride the public bus together right after school and then he rides back home solo.  The most direct route is the bus that drops him off back by school so Mogli and I went to meet him.  He, of course, was more excited to see Mogli than me.  While Benjamin was at his play date Josie and I rode the bus together to her weekly college math class.  She keeps wanting me to ride with her.  It is at least an hour long commitment for me.  The bus ride each way is only 20 minutes but the walking to and from bus and waiting for the bus, etc.   This time we took Mogli along.  I know the days where she wants me along are numbered.  I have to say she shows no signs of not wanting us along yet and I have to believe it is living here that helps with this.  It is like kids stay kids longer here.  But they also are treated much more maturely and given much more independence here.  It is a strange juxtaposition.

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Mexican Food Mondays

Monday morning started with a follow up cataract surgery appointment at the hospital. Like so many times here silly little appointments and errands takes the entirety of the day. Marty left a bit early for school with Josie.  Benjamin and I left and had to put Mogli into the kitchen/winter garten where he stays when we have to leave him.  We don't leave him much as one of us is normally around but when we do have to leave him the kitchen and with his water and food and windows.  He has caught on to the trick of "Come here Mogli, want a treat?" then we shut him in.  He doesn't like it but he doesn't cry or whine or scratch at the door.  He seems totally fine when we return. Normally he is sitting on the chair we tell him not to sit on.  He feels like he got away with something and to be honest, I could care less about the chair but if he thinks he is being tricky and bad by sitting in it while we are gone I will keep making him think he shouldn't be in it.
So Benjamin and I were a bit late leaving for school.  We arrived just as the first bell (they have 10 more minutes before the tardy bell rings) rang.  But this meant that I missed the bus I was going to take to meet Marty at the hospital for his eye appointment.  Fine, I will just wait for the next one.  It was a particularly rainy day.  It doesn't rain much here or at least not as much as in Seattle. But when it does it makes bike riding miserable and buses are typically late.  So I waited for nearly 30 minutes for the bus to come by that I needed.  Normally buses come by every 10 ish minutes.  So I got to the hospital late but no worries... Marty hadn't even been seen yet.  Drs here seem to always make you wait.  And especially at the hospital when they have more severe and unique cases.
Finally he is seen and the Dr.s all agree that his progress is right on track, his eyesight continues to improve as does the healing.
We leave and try to catch the bus back home but just as we are approaching the street we see the bus we wanted pull away. Damn!!  That bus only comes once every 20 minutes.  So we take the same bus going in the opposite direction and hit the grocery store on the way to the Sbahn.  I really wanted to make this sweet potato/black bean enchilada recipe.  I knew it would be hard here as Germans do not do Mexican food in restaurants or the groceries to make it yourself.  I knew I needed jalepeƱos.  Sometimes I can find the fresh ones here.  I also knew I needed black beans but I had already stocked up awhile back at the Asian Store.  Regular grocery stores do not sell normal black beans.  They only have black beans in this nasty "chili sauce"  To get the regular black beans one must make a special trip to the Asian Store.  Just FYI - this is also the only place to find Edamame, brown sugar and often baking soda. 
SO... at the store by the sbahn they only had about half the things I needed.  We finish shopping, I give Marty my grocery bag and I take my extra one. He heads home with the groceries from the first store.  It is still super rainy and I don't want to ride my bike the extra 15 minutes to get to all the specialty stores.  Thankfully a bus comes within a few minutes that takes me to the ONE store I have found here that sells normal jarred salsa (I specifically needed salsa verde for the enchiladas) and it turns out that they also sell flour and corn tortillas and canned jalepeƱos.  But this is a specialty store selling mostly wine and some specialty items from mostly Italy and Spain and apparently.. the US.  The Salsa is definitely imported from the US.  So I stock up.  But then I also need to go to a different normal grocery store for cheddar cheese and a few other items.  I ended up buying a package of small green peppers that I would roast and then seed and chop to replace the two cans of
green chilies. 
By 12:30 I'm back home, unloading the groceries and making lunch. Clean up and then have to head out (in the rain) riding my bike to the school I will be subbing at to turn in my final paperwork.  When I get home Benjamin and his buddy Lukas are here eating a snack.  They play for a bit and then want to play his new Extreme Uno card game.  It beeps and deals the cards for you with a touch of the button but he needed batteries.  I give the boys some money and they walk to the store to buy some.  The weather had finally cleared and it was sunny again.  Crazy weather.  The boys play their UNO game.  I do not forget to get Lukas on his bus home and the enchiladas turned out DELICIOUS. Seriously, one of the most amazing meals I have made in a very long time.  I have been nailing the vegetarian dinners lately and I need to remember these recipes when I am in a rut. And another post in the category of "what do I do with my days"

Here is the recipe.
 Try it!!  You won't be disappointed and it will be SO much easier when you can go to one store and buy everything at once and not have to roast your own green chilies.