Saturday, December 27, 2008

Merry Christmas!

We had a nice and quiet Christmas Eve and Christmas morning, just the three of us. Our traditional German Christmas Eve celebration was postponed until Friday due to the weather. So for the first time we started our own family traditions. The night before Christmas we put out cookies for Santa and carrots for the reindeer. Josie didn't really understand the whole idea of putting food out on the fireplace hearth for someone else. She obviously was interested in the food for herself!

On Christmas morning, we all woke up (at a very reasonable hour) and Josie opened her stocking that Santa had left for her. She opened a few gifts from Uncle Tim, Aunt Kelley, Aunt Angie and Uncle Kevin. Her final gift for Christmas day was a Dora style map leading her to the gift that Santa (thanks Oma and Opa!) had left her.
The snow and freezing temperatures weren't the best for trying out a new swing set but she gave it her best. After about 20 minutes she demanded we all go in and warm up our hands! Once all the snow melts and the weather warms up I have no doubt that it will be a struggle to ever get her to come inside.

Thursday, December 25, 2008


We have been feeling a bit like the boy in the bubble. Almost 2 weeks ago they began one of the final, most annoying and by far the dustiest stages of our remodel - the drywall. Because of the snow, the process has been drawn out over a week longer than it should have taken because the people doing the work weren't able to make it to our house. We are hoping that sometime in the first couple weeks of January to begin painting and then our downstairs will hopefully be back to normal. The upstairs will probably take another couple of months.

Winter Wonderland

The snow started to fall almost 2 weeks ago. We thought it would be another usual Seattle storm and that the snow would be gone after a day or two. We were so wrong. Day after day the snow kept falling. Before things started to melt we probably had close to a foot of snow surrounding our house.

Josie enjoyed sledding down our driveway and walking through the fluffy, white snow.
Josie and I went to stay with Oma and Opa for a few days during the storm to get out of the construction dust. We both enjoyed the warm, dry and clean house along with the wonderful hospitality. It was a great place to be snowed-in. Danke, Oma and Opa!!
Here is a photo from their house.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Christmas cookies, parties and the Santa Train

We had another festive and full weekend. On Friday night Marty and I and the rest of the morning show were treated to a fabulous dinner at the Metropolitan Grill. It was YUMMY!!
On Saturday, Josie and I made Christmas cookies... or should I say I made cookies and Josie discovered licking the beaters. Sunday we were hit with an artic blast. Unfortunately, Liz and family were snowed in up north so they sent us their tickets to the Santa train. Although it felt a bit like Siberia, we had a great time. Josie had another little chat with Santa and told him she REALLY wants a swing set for Christmas. As is evidenced by the last photo. She was a bit worn out by the time we got back to the car.

Monday, December 15, 2008

A Weekend Full of Christmas

Last weekend was full of Holiday parties and festivities. On Friday we got our Christmas tree and Josie loved helping decorate. Her favorite part were the white lights. She kept saying "look at the pretty lights" and "Good job, Mom"
On Saturday we went to our second annual Teddy Bear Breakfast. My friend, Christina, organizes this holiday breakfast as a fundraiser for Providence Hospital. It comes complete with Santa and Mrs. Claus, a life sized Teddy Bear and lots of food and entertainment. One of her favorite things was the reindeer all decorated with white lights. She petted it gently at least 40 times.

Here is Josie and Santa. She is still not all that comfortable but at least she is not crying like she did last year. Check out the two photos below:

Josie had a great time with her friend Kaedon. I think Kaedon is about the only child I know that is more affectionate than Josie.

Josie, Me, Kara, Kaedon, Christina and Kennedy

Saturday night we met up with friends and walked up to the Junction here in West Seattle to attend the big tree lighting cermony. Josie, Marty and I did the honors of plugging in the tree and turning on the lights. For Josie first time on stage she did pretty well.
Sunday morning we had a Holiday brunch for everyone in my PEPS group. The restaurant had a great kids area so it was almost like a built in babysitter. Our table was right next to a big doll house and train table and bunch of other toys. The kids played while we ate. Here is the whole group.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Josie and Bryn

Because of Thanksgiving and vacations Josie and Bryn hadn't seen each other for almost 2 weeks. Normally, they see each other 3-4 days a week so 2 weeks felt like forever. During the time they were apart, Josie kept mentioning Bryn ("Bryn is a nice friend") Everytime I drove anywhere she would point which way I should go... which was always in the direction of Bryn's house and then be upset when I turned the wrong way. She went poop in the toilet for the first time and we were all excited and then she said "I'll tell Bryn all about it." Needless to say, Josie was quite excited when Bryn came to our house to play all day last Thursday.

After some play dough time, we loaded up and went to Seattle Center. They were mesmerized by the winter train display in The Center House and then they ran around the Children's Museum for a couple of hours.

Josie loves to play "ringa ringa rosey" with anyone who is willing. Bryn happens to be her suspect for today. Poor Bryn. I don't think she was quite ready for Josie.

Bryn and Josie speak the same language.... Not sure what language it is because it isn't English, German or Spanish but somehow they understand each other.

Josie had a great time playing with her good friend, Bryn. Several times throughout the day Josie gave Bryn big spontaneous bear hugs. It is so nice to have such good friends :)

Saturday, December 6, 2008

"Ringa Ringa Rosey"

I know we shouldn't have ever let her start jumping on the bed... now that is all she wants to do.