Wednesday, November 27, 2013

And So It Begins

 We had such a nice summer, weather-wise, that it really is hard to complain but the second or third day of school the rain came and it just made me dread a little bit the rainy walks to and from the bus stop.  The kids, of course, couldn't have been happier about the rain.

 Especially this little guy.  If there is a puddle he will find it and jump in it.

Benjamin Solo

The day Josie went back to school Benjamin and I went and spent most of the afternoon at the Pacific Science Center.  He even got to hold a Brazilian Beetle. 
 We spent some time trying stuff out at the gift shop.  This picture cracks me up. They are glasses with a cup and a ball on a string attached and you are supposed to move your head and neck and try to get the ball to go inside the cup.  Watching him do this was simply hysterical.  He was almost always cross eyed and smiling.  Too funny.

 This summer, although fun-filled, was a tough one for Benjamin.  I think he struggled with having to share the time I normally have for just him with his sister who was obviously also home for the summer.  It was an amazing transformation just about a week after Josie had been back in school and suddenly sweet, lovable Benjamin was back.  Thank God!!  His behavior was getting to the point where I was about ready to ship him off to boarding school!
So in addition to Pacific Science Center and the art studio we also spent a lot of time building structures with all of our different building materials.
 And going to parks.

 And building, building building some more.

 It is so nice to have my sweet boy back!!

First Day of First Grade

 Josie started her first grade year at Schmitz Park on Wednesday September 4th.  Look at how mature and poised she looks!!  She is amazing at starting new things.  She embraces it completely and has no apparent fear or trepidation. She is such a beautiful girl inside and out.  We are so proud of the young lady she is becoming.
A quick pic with little bro. 
 And a couple blurry ones of her posing by her locker.  Lockers are new to her this year.  Because she was in a portable last year she didn't have one so this year her locker is extra special.  Her teacher this year is Ms. Crozier and she had come highly recommended.  She had a baby in the summer so she was on maternity leave up until last week - November 18.  One benefit of being so behind on the blog is that I can write the update while I write the original blog post.  While Ms. Crozier was on maternity leave Josie had a great long term sub named Ms. Klein.  We have been happy with both teachers so far.

Here's to a very fun and successful first grade year for our little girl.

Just found a few more first day photos.  Marty had jury duty that day so he took a few photos before he was off on the bus.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Summer's Sweet End

A few shots as we wrap up the summer of 2013.  It was a full, fun and sunny one.  
Below a couple of photos of Benjamin, Josie and her good friend Elliott at Menchie's after an hot afternoon at the Hiawatha wading pool. 

And we spent several days this summer swimming in Lake Washington at Luther Burbank Park on Mercer Island.  Below are Josie and Elliott testing the water.
Our relatively lame garden harvest.  
While shopping at Costco I noticed this ENORMOUS jar of Nutella.  If any of our German friends or family still lived here I might have thought about buying it.
Near the end of summer, Grandma and Papa stayed with us for a few days.  We walked down to Lincoln Park and Papa, Marty and I went swimming at Colman Pool while the kids and Grandma ate lunch. 

Benjamin, who normally prefers to hitch a ride on Marty's shoulders was all about going it on his own on our walk to and from the pool.  Even up the big hills. 

Josie and Boyan have been friends since they were 3 months old when we meet through our PEPS group. Our families became fast friends and even joked that they had their first kiss together. Check out this post from 4 years ago here  Near the bottom of that post is the photo of their first kiss. At the end of August he turned 7 and had a Despicable Me themed birthday party.  

Well maybe that kiss 4 years ago was not their last :-)

Benjamin always wants to show us how tall he his by standing on the counter and touching the ceiling.  Any and every time you mention to him that he is getting bigger he pushes a stool over, climbs us and proves it.
A few of Benjamin's masterpiece photo's....

Our awesome neighbor, Mary, got the kids these really cool new lunch boxes.  Perfect timing for back to school lunch packing.
I had a couple of coupons for free cupcakes that expired at the end of August... just what the kids wanted after a day at Pacific Science Center.  Josie was in a "no photos" mood, however.
Benjamin, on the other hand, always likes to pose. 
A few of Benjamin's Magna Tile works of art.  One down low and one up high. The projects with these tiles is endless.

Several times this summer when it was just Benjamin and I, we would grab a prized doughnut at the store and head to Alki. It was more of a bribe than anything else.  I would get a good 7 mile roller blade work out in while he rode in the stroller.  Some of the time he ate the doughnut as we went but on this particular day he wanted until afterward and ate it down on the beach.