Monday, November 30, 2009

Babies and Birthday Parties

Josie continues to take very good care of her babies. She will literally read to them for hours... maybe not hours all back to back but certainly hours throughout the day.

Josie had a great time at her friend, Ashen's third birthday party. His mom Sarah creatively made a train cake. There were a dozen or so individual cakes each decorated differently with different colored icing and candies. It was adorable.

We've been trying to get out and walk when the weather isn't too terrible. Josie definitley has a new best friend these days... his name is daddy :)
Here they are "racing" together.

And here they are posing in the the trunk of a huge tree.

Thanksgiving photos coming soon.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Walk to the Park with Daddy

Since the day he was fired, I don't think a single day has gone by where I haven't said to Marty "I'm SO happy you got fired!" All of us are doing great with the new lifestyle/schedule and are overall much happier. One of the best things about it is that Marty has a lot more time, energy and patience for Josie. They are very best friends right now. It really warms my heart and makes me smile to see them so happy together. Last week Marty took Josie on a walk to the park(something he just didn't have the time or energy for before.) They had a great time.

Of course, Josie just had to bring "baby Gretel" She doesn't do much these days without her.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


It is mid November already and I'm finally getting around to updating the blog with the Halloween photos. Better late than never I suppose.
The day before Halloween we went to the annual Admiral Junction trick-or-treating. Josie was all dressed up in her monkey costume and ready to go. This year she really understood that when she said trick-or-treat she would receive a piece of candy in return. Pretty cool! Check out her pumpkin bag. My mom made this in probably the early 80's?

Her favorite were the lollipops.

Riding on Daddy's shoulders with one of her prized lollipops.

By the end she was pretty tired. She normally runs most of the way home but on this day she was carried the whole way.

On Halloween we went trick or treating at some of the houses on our street. Josie wasn't sure she wanted to go but once we were out there she kept saying "just one more house"