Monday, July 31, 2017

Day 1 Part 2

In the evening we decide to head to Julie's apartment.  Julie is Marty's cousin.  Actually Julie's mom, Ela, is Marty's cousin and they grew up spending weeks in the summer as children together when Marty would visit Germany.  Julie is a vibrant, hip, wonderful 24 year old and we are beyond fortunate to live so close to her again.  After Benjamin was born, 7 years ago, and she had recently graduated high school,  she came to live with us for a year in Seattle as an unofficial Au Pair.  She very quickly became part of the family and we have stayed in good contact with her for the past few years.
We head to her apartment and then to dinner.  She lives in a more vibrant part of town (Schoeneberg)  than we do but amazingly, equally as quiet.  While we wait for dinner, the kids discover a park across the street and play for awhile.  Micha, Julie's boyfriend, joins us at the end of our meal and then at the park.
Parks in Germany are quite amazing.  They seem to be on every corner are all unique with various cool features. I have yet to find to that are the same.  There is more area for independent play and much more space to explore your physical limits.  This one was a huge obstacle course.
So, of course, we all had to try it.  A family that obstacle courses together... well, I don't know how to finish that statement but we all had fun. And let me tell you after a couple of times through it on Day 1, it is harder than the pictures look.
By the end of Day 1 things were looking pretty darn good.  We were tired.  But adjusting nicely.  The kids were still remarkably happy. And we just had a very nice dinner with our new nearest family members, Julie, Micha and Frida their dog.

Almost all parks have cool, self pumping water features.  From a very young age, Benjamin has always LOVED water in all forms.  Here is no exception.  It was hot and so he decided to find a way to cool himself off.  

Day 1 Part 1

Things did, in fact, look and feel much, MUCH better in the morning.  We slept decently.  Not great but enough to all feel human again.  We were up for good before 6 AM and all of our suitcases and bags were unpacked and put away before 8AM.  We were feeling quite accomplished.  It was starting to fe
el more like home and after a bit of sleep and a fresher perspective we were starting to feel a bit better about it all.  Again, the kids were having a ball in the new space.  Discovering all the little nooks and
crannies.  And let me tell you, this house has more nooks and crannies than I've ever seen in a house.  For the first day I couldn't really figure out where things were but it was more fun than overwhelming.  It is amazing how sleep deprivation can rob you of your senses and sensibilities and all of your coping mechanisms.   We stow our empty suitcases and are very very hungry again.  This starving thing is becoming a theme.  We decide that since we have a car we really should take advantage of it and try to pretend we are just on vacation.  Marty found a restaurant with great reviews so we hop in the car and head out.
 It is called Restaurant Bastard.  The kids hadn't really ever heard that word before but once we told them it was considered a curse word in English they enjoyed saying it over and over, of course.  We were either really super hungry or it was some of the best and most beautifully presented food we have ever had.
We happily gobble up the large breakfast and then head to a nearby park.  Marty went to run a couple of errands and while at the park Benjamin says he REALLY has to go to the bathroom.  #2.
And, of course, I don't speak German and there are no bathrooms anywhere.  This no, free public bathrooms anywhere is going to be the end of me this year, I swear!  And no free water at restaurants.. but I digress.  We go to the nearest open restaurant and they say that we can't use their bathroom because we didn't buy anything there.  I don't have any Euro.  We decide to head back to Restaurant Bastard and not only did they have delicious food they also were very kind and allowed us to use their very clean and free bathroom.  Thank you again, Restaurant Bastard.
After a filling breakfast and some park time we head to the grocery store for a few staples.  Grocery stores in different countries are always so interesting to me.  A couple of observations early on:
1) Bread is very important to the Germans.  They have all different types of loaves and rolls at every grocery store that are freshly baked.  Most Germans buy fresh bread daily. 2) Alcohol is VERY cheap.  It's almost like they are begging you to drink.  A six pack of beer was 1.65 Euro.  Bottles of red and white wine were between 1.50 and 5.00. Granted we were at Aldi which I hear if more like Trader Joe's.  (They even sell TJ's brands there as the owner of Aldi is the brother of the owner of TJ's) 3. Eggs come in cartons of 10 not 12. I'm sure there will be more grocery store observations to come.
We stock up, head HOME and it is already starting to feel like home.  Put groceries away and the kids happily play in the back yard and in their bedrooms, together and separately.  They are truly amazing in how they have adjusted to this new life so quickly.  In no way do I think we have avoided homesickness or the bumps and bruises of this huge undertaking but I have to say that both Benjamin's and Josie's reaction and their ability to embrace this move has taught both Marty and me huge lessons in how resilient and courageous they both are.  We will both get there too it will just take a bit longer.  We are both SO so proud of them.  There even has been less fighting than normal and they genuinely seem to like playing and hanging around together.  Fingers crossed that this will last!

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Arrival Day

After a 10 hour flight between Seattle and Cologne and then a 2 hour lay over and then another 1 hour flight we finally arrived in Berlin. We had to wait for over an hour for our rental car and with the lack of sleep, the time change and the stress and work leading up to the trip we were all whipped!
We arrive at our new home  (the right side of the building above is ours) nearly 24 hours after we left our Seattle home and we are utterly overwhelmed by the whole process and what lays ahead. We are greeted by Leonardo, the owner of the house.  We are immediately impressed by the original character that has been preserved in this 1920's era Berlin home.
 It really has a ton of character and original features but upgraded where it is important - the bathrooms, kitchen, lights and water.  Marty and I go through the home with Leonardo but we are both feeling pretty doubtful about our decision to make this big leap.  After the tour and Leonardo leaves we both plop in a chair in a bit of despair and depression.
Josie's bed.  Set up and ready to go
 "What did we just do?" was the question we both asked ourselves and each other.  At the moment I couldn't even wrap my mind around staying here for a few weeks let alone an entire year.  Everything seemed overwhelming and difficult.  How were we ever going to figure everything out? Where are the lights to this room, where are the towels, how will I do laundry, how, where, why??  Will we actually ever end up liking it here and even more will it ever feel like home? So many questions.  More than anything we were tired.   Actually much more than tired we were beyond exhausted.  But we were also very very hungry.  We decide to take a walk up to town to get dinner.  It was 90 degrees and very humid. Marty and I haven't slept in over 24 hours and the kids were whining about having to walk and the heat and the tiredness.  This is normally the case when we arrive in Europe so it was to be expected but when we have arrived in Germany on previous trips it was just for a fun, two week vacation.  We knew the upcoming days and weeks would be anything but a vacation as we had a lot of work and logistics to figure out so we were feeling pretty defeated. We promised each other it would all look better in the morning and we headed to bed.
Josie's large desk

Josie's crazy, cool loft
The kids, in particular Josie, had the BEST attitude.  Even at this stage in the game when everything was new and unfamiliar she was happily setting up her room and making it hers.  She was not at all shaken by the process or the move or the unknown.  Benjamin wasn't at all either but I honestly still don't think he really gets it.  She in many ways carried us through our doubts that first night in our unfamiliar new home.  She is brave and strong.  What a girl!!
Benjamin's small, but perfectly sized desk. 

They each have their own rooms and their own desks and there is something so cute and comforting to see them making their new rooms their own.

One of the first and only personal items we put up.  A print with the state of Washington and a heart on Seattle.  Makes me heart happy and a bit homesick. Thank you, Kristie!!

Marty's office

Benjamin's Bed

The backyard, complete with a swing and climbing structure
 There are four levels to this house if you count the cellar.  And two of these cool, steep, winding staircases.

Saturday, July 29, 2017

Travel Day

We went to sleep Friday night a bit anxious and a bit excited and a lot tired.  Thankfully we all got a good night of sleep before the big move out/travel day.  We spent every bit of the morning getting our house ready for our first Airbnb renters - thankfully it will be friends staying in our house the first week so if we forgot anything they can get it to us.  Sheets were changed, bathrooms wiped down and one last sweep with the vacuum and we were pretty much ready.  

We finished off any left over food, had some lovely last minute goodbyes from friends and neighbors and right on time, our ride showed up.  We had to have two cars because we had so much luggage.  This is a first for us as we normally travel very light.
We show up at the airport like any other trip and in no way does it feel like we are actually moving.

And off we go!  The airplane was the emptiest plane we have been on in forever.  We somehow got bulk head seats in business class.  SCORE.  The entire row behind us was empty as were many other seats on the plane.  Despite this lovely fact neither Marty nor I slept a wink.  Shocking actually given how exhausted we were when we boarded the plane. The kids thankfully slept several hours each.

Friday, July 28, 2017

So Many Goodbyes

Our final week in Seattle was filled with more friends and love than we could even imagine.  We are the luckiest people, I'm sure of it, to have such incredibly wonderful friends. I know we will all make friends in Berlin but I'm highly doubtful they will even come close to these amazing friends.  If we didn't see you we certainly wished we had! We will miss you all!!!  Until next time - a big hug and well wishes from Berlin.  We love you!!! 
The Warrens - Liz, Lilly, Henry (and Chad)

Ellis and Josie

Chase and Kaylen
Benjamin, Hank and Josie
Danette - you should have seen the other photos.  This was the best one!!

Semi, Josie, Bini, Benjamin and Amina
Sweet Semi 💕

Isla, Josie, Benjamin and Callum
Erin 💜
Fun at Alki with Kristie, Callum and Isla

The Carons - Elif, Maggie, Elliot (and Chad)
With new adorable puppy - Penny!

The Morning Crew - Jodi, Pedro, Luciana, Marty

Our beloved Nissan Leaf.  It was a 3 year lease and guess when the lease was up?  Yup. July 29th!  Like everything else about this move it was perfectly timed.  We will be carless in Berlin for the year.  A first for both of us. Thankfully, Berlin has some of the best public transportation in the world. 

Benjamin's first top baby tooth.  It has been dangling for days.  Wonder if the tooth fairy will pay up in Euros or dollars? 
 And saving one of the hardest goodbyes for last - Goodbye Elliott, Sydney, Amanda and Chris.  We are, without a doubt, going to miss you so so much!!   What a perfect match you guys are for our family!  We feel so fortunate that Josie and Elliott met and became fast friends in kindergarten and have been in the same class and built a sisterly bond over the past 5 years.  We love you guys and will miss living so close to such amazing friends!! Please do come visit at Christmas time or any time really.  

Josie and Elliott handled the goodbye with grace.  Amanda and I were a complete mess. 
 It is this friendship that makes me doubt the whole move.  I know they will keep in touch and stay friends and survive the year but it breaks my heart knowing they will be without each other for the year.
 Goodbye West Seattle Junction, Shadowland, etc. etc. etc.

 Goodbye Mexican food.  I hear we won't taste you for awhile.

 And then just to top off our final day in West Seattle we run into the Nelsons at Pecado Bueno.   Goodbye Eva, Mele, Sarah and Stephan. 

Sarah and me - A bit blurry but better than nothing. 
Goodbye WEST SEATTLE!!! 💙💚