Friday, October 4, 2013

ART and Artists

The kids are both really into doing art.  I'm sure this is in large part due to the fact that Josie has always loved anything that involved coloring, pasting, sparkling... she has always been able to spend hours creating.  I absolutely love this as I've never considered myself a creative person.  This summer the kids decorated Oma and Opa's driveway with some chalk art. 

We have a really cool art studio in West Seattle.  Whenever they have a groupon or other type coupon deal I buy one or two for the kids.  We went to the studio about once a week over the summer.  Benjamin loves it because he gets to use all the stuff I don't let him use at home.. permanent pens....
copious amounts of glue. 
And of course, the paint room would never fly here at the house.  Such a fun place on a not-so- nice day.