Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Friends and Sunshine

One of last remaining things to be done on our house is the exterior paint. Here Marty and Josie are trying out the new exterior paint color. We should have a newly painted house within a week or so. I can't believe that we are done! 10 looooong months!Last weekend we went to a dinner party. My other friends brought their kids too and although most were older than Josie she LOVED playing with the big kids. This was probably her first experience with the "kid table" and she thoroughly enjoyed herself.
We started the week with some gorgeous 70 degree weather. This is Josie with her good friends Boyan and Bryn.
Ever since Easter Josie has been obsessed with Easter eggs hunts. We have transitioned to the plastic eggs now but she can spend hours hiding and seeking. Take note of her lovely outfit. She picks them out by herself now. I suppose stripes and stripes go together??

True Friends - Josie and Bryn

Marty swears it is virtually impossible to fall from a swing. I think he is trying to test the theory out. I finally get it when Josie says - No! I want a BIG push like Daddy gives!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Swings, Swings and more Swings

With the weather getting nicer Josie seems to ALWAYS want to play on her swingset. She LOVES it!!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter & Spring Flowers

Josie had a ball coloring her Easter eggs. She has had an even better time hiding them, finding them and then eating them - YUM!

Thanks Grandma and Papa for the fun Easter surprises!
We had a great Easter Sunday at Oma and Opa's. Thanks for the wonderful meal, Oma. Thanks Opa for hiding the Easter baskets like only you can :)
After a lot of excitement and sugar, Josie finally conked out on my legs.
The day before Easter we planted all of our flowers. Josie had a lot of fun and was actually a big help. She LOVES to be outside and hopefully will love helping me water and weed all of our newly planted flowers.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Sun, Swings and the Water Taxi

Since the sun has been shining a bit more lately the swingset has been a huge hit. Here is Josie and her friends Adam and Austin who came over to play last Friday
Even Marty gets in on the action:

Finally Josie enjoys riding up on Daddy's shoulders. It makes it so much easier to carry her like this... although 9 times out of 10 she will want to walk. She normally keeps up with us and has to walk more than any 2 year old I know. Saturday we went for a long walk in West Seattle and then on Sunday we walked down to the water taxi and rode over to Seattle for lunch. It was the opening day of the taxi so rides were free all day. We are always in for something free! We missed the first boat by just a minute so Josie and Marty passed the time skipping (Marty) throwing (Josie) rocks down by the marina.
We all enjoyed the fish and chips. Josie really just enjoyed the french fries with lots of ketchup.

While waiting for the return ferry, Josie made friends with some stuffed animals. Josie's new big thing is the pick out and put on her own clothes. Generally, it is a very creative mix of colors and patterns. Often times it is several pairs of pants, a wacky hat and a couple shirts. Entertaining to say the least.