Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kids and Activities

Both kids have been quite busy the past week or so.

Kid #1
Josie started a ballet class and really loves it.
Here we are on the way to the class.

Josie in her tutu.

Josie taking a bow.

Normally, the teacher shuts the door once class starts but because they had to use the gym last week instead of the normal ballet room (usually they are in a room with mirrors all around and ballet bars) I was able to get a short video of all the kids running around before class started.

Josie continues to LOVE painting. She actually loves art of all kinds.

Josie conked out in the back seat on the way back home after a lively visit to Oma and Opa's.

Kids #1 and #2 together.

Josie LOVES her little brother. She is always trying to kiss and hug him and pick him up.

This is such a typical scene in our house these days. Josie has a few personal space issues and Benjamin just takes it all in stride.
Kid #2
Benjamin in the bath. Look how big he has gotten.

He also started to smile last week - so cute and sweet. It is really hard, however, to capture it in video or photo.
Here he is with a small smile that quickly turns into a freaked out, crossed-eye look. It is MUCH better in person.

Benjamin spending a little time on his tummy. Josie didn't last more than half a minute but Benjamin does quite well.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Benjamin is One Month!!

I honestly can't believe that Benjamin is already one month. It seems like we just brought him home... although on the other hand I can't even remember life without him. He continues to be a really good baby. He sleeps and eats well and is very tolerant of all the life that seems to be going on ALL around him.

Here he is at 3 weeks

And yesterday, May 23rd. One month old.

A video of the things Ben is doing these days. Oh, I could just watch him for hours. I know that is probably just me therefore the video is only one minute instead of one hour.
The other day Ben had fallen asleep in the car. I brought him in and let him sleep in his car seat. Josie decided to curl up next to him in his little chair. A few minutes later they were both snoring away. They ended up sleeping that way for about 45 minutes!!

Over a year ago I let my membership expire at the Children's Museum. They were running a 1/2 price special last week I just couldn't pass it up. Josie has been asking to go there for a long time so when she woke up last Monday I told her I had a big surprise. She doesn't really get the whole waiting for the surprise part and threw a huge fit because I wouldn't tell her what the surprise was. She eventually calmed down and a few hours later she was delighted to be back at the museum. She literally ran from exhibit to exhibit for 2 hours. Of course, her favorite thing was the painting.

Tummy time X2

Marty and Jodi had a great time interviewing Pam from The Office.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Family Outings, Sunshine and Mother's Day

We've been very blessed with help over the past few weeks. I really don't know how people do it without help. I know I would have been a mess without all of the support from family and friends.
Our final visitor was Auntie Kim who came down for a few days last weekend.

Last Saturday we started life with just the four of us. It wa a beautiful spring day so we decided to venture out and take Benjamin on his first family outing. It was just our normal walk down to Alki, through Schmitz Park, ending up at the Whale Tail Park. Of course, we also had to eat at Pegasus because what would a trip to Alki be without that. We even walked all the way home, something we haven't done for about 8 months. It felt really good to get out and get some exercise. Benjamin was a champ and barely fussed at all. He is going to fit into our family just fine.

Benjamin giving one of his "looks"

On Mother's Day we boarded the Water Taxi and headed over toward downtown. We walked up to The Spaghetti Factory for lunch and then ran a few errands downtown before heading back. Again, Ben was awesome and it felt good to have two good walks in two days. It is so much easier to get around without having a baby in my belly. Marty on the otherhand has been nicknamed the "baby Sherpa" He carries Ben in the front pack and either pushes Josie in the stroller or carries her too. I guess I did carry both of them for 9 months, so we are far from even, right?

Second children have to be more flexible given the torment they are put through by older siblings. Josie is always trying to "play" with him. It looks different every single day. Today she tried to line up all of the puzzle pieces around his chair. At first she tried to hand him the pieces but obviously he is too young to hold on to them yet.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Life as a Foursome

We have all been adjusting to becoming a family of 4 over the past 10 days. For the most part we are all handling the big changes quite well. It really helps that Benjamin is a great baby and Josie is a doting and "helpful" big sister.

He is a great sleeper and eater. It makes all the difference.

We have a lot of help over the past week and half. My parents and my sisters are all pitching in and helping us out. I don't know how you do it without help. Thanks, Mom, Dad, Angie and Kim (in advance) We all really appreciate the help and support :)

Josie had a ball with cousin Paul.

And Benjamin loved being held by Grandma and Papa.
Our first family walk around the neighborhood
Paul taught Josie how to do the limbo and now that is all she wants to do.
Josie LOVES giving Ben hugs and kisses

Josie sings to Benjamin when he cries
Yesterday, my parents and Marty's family all got together.

Josie got into one of her moods and just had to fill up everyone's water glasses over and over and over. Liz was a great sport and played along and took Josie to the water dispenser no less than 20 times! Thanks, Liz.