Sunday, February 26, 2012

Out and About

Our plan for the school year was abruptly altered about a month ago with a sudden change/loss of childcare. At first we wondered how we would manage. I've been working 15 hours a week for OSL and about 10 hours a week in Benjamin and Josie's preschool classes. How were we going to juggle it all?
Like a lot of things in life,a sudden and not at all prepared for plan B is sometimes better than a very well thought out plan A!
Marty has been covering for me while I work in the kid's preschool class. He watches the one not in preschool while I attend preschool with the other and work in their classroom. Both the kids and Marty have enjoyed the one-on-one time that they rarely experienced before.
I haven't been able to work like I did before and only am able to squeeze in a few hours at night while everyone is sleeping or during nap time. But the positive side is that the kids and I have had a lot more time to go on adventures together. The Aquarium, the Children's Museum, library story time, parks, etc.
Last week we hit the Aquarium. Josie insisted we eat in the same place where she ate when she went last summer with Julie.
After seeing and touching all different kinds of sea life, we headed to Starbucks to cash in on one of the many freebies that comes in our mailbox thanks to the fact that Julie was such a fabulous Starbucks customer. They send her coupons and things and we use them. Thanks, Julie :) The kids enjoying a cake pop.

At The Children's Museum. What can I say, the kid likes his milk!!

Dance party

And camping.

I won't lie. I certainly do miss being able to go swimming several times a week and our weekly date nights... immensely! But because we've had to pull together and help each other out we are more sensitive to the other's needs and getting along better than ever. We've re-prioritized our time and focus and have put our family back up in the #1 spot where it belongs. I am thankful for my family and I am thankful for Plan B's that work out MUCH better than Plan A's. Hindsight is always 20/20!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

2 on 1

Last weekend both of the kids enjoyed rare 2 on 1 attention. Josie spent the weekend up at Liz and Ed's and was thoroughly spoiled. Benjamin spent the weekend with us and loved having Marty and me all to himself.
While up in Snohomish, Josie took Nudel and Schnitzel for a walk. A close second to Liz and Ed are their dogs!! She desperately wants a dog and I've told her that when Benjamin is 5 (and hopefully less work and is sleeping better!!) I'll have the energy for a dog. She asks me almost every day how much longer it will be until Benjamin is 5!

She also was given the chance to go to the Build a Bear workshop and pick out her very own new Build a Bear... which she named Lilly CoolDog Princess! She even talked Liz into all the extra frills -"a cell phone, a princess outfit, headband, sparkly shoes, sweatshirt, and hot pink underwear" according to Josie. Below is her picking out her pink peace bear and below that giving it an air bath.
Her bear fit right in with her doll family.

Josie and Nudel playing with the stacking dolls

And their last stop for the weekend was to the Everett Children's Museum.
Her name in lights.
Josie the firefighter

Benjamin also had a great time. We took him swimming and to the Seattle Children's Museum. We also took advantage of a "free introductory class" at the Little Gym in West Seattle. He LOVED it.

Of course, I messed up while filming his triple flip around the bar. I started, then stopped and it's choppy but cute all the same.

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Josie has been going to a great dance class for the past few months. Lately, Benjamin has been tagging along and having a blast. He is only allowed to do the opening "scarf dance" and then has to sit the rest of the class out but he LOVES to be a big kid and follow his big sister.
Last week her friend Nate came to watch (actually his mom had an appt. so I was watching him.) He and Benjamin both were able to dance in the opening "scarf dance" Sometimes Benjamin has a hard time containing himself and wants so badly to join Josie in all the fun she is having with her class. Last week another older brother had an iPad. Thankfully, that kept his attention and I didn't have to wrangle him to sit down.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

This week Josie was very excited to make our annual Valentine's Day sugar cookies. Last year Julie was the resident cookie maker in the house but this year it was just Josie, Benjamin and I with a lot of sugar, flour and butter...yum!!
Josie decided to deliver a bunch of the cookies to different neighbors and a few people who come in every week for Marty's podcast. When she handed each person the cookie she would say, "here are some cookies for Valentine's Day. There are X's and O's which are for hugs and kisses and a few big hearts and small hearts just because they are hearts" She had fun making them and we've all had fun eating them.
The kids sitting patiently waiting for a cookie... but of course when I say "smile" this is what they do.
Such concentration as she cuts out each cookie

Before they are baked
And after

The beater licking is always the big hit
Josie and Benjamin loved getting greeting cards and gift cards from Oma and Opa and Grandma and Papa. Thank you!!!

In the days leading up to Valentine's day Josie took a ton of time to make each of her preschool friends a special card. She pasted heart shaped doilies, she drew pictures of the friend and sometimes their younger or older sibling and wrote each person's name on their card and signed it "love, Josie" At school she had a ball delivering each person's card and of course loved bringing home her own "mailbox" full of cards from her friends.

The following day her preschool went on a field trip to the post office to buy a stamp and mail a special letter that she wrote as well as to learn all about what goes on there.
Happy Valentine's Day everyone :)

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year

Josie had another amazing learning experience at her Co-op preschool last week. They have been learning about Lunar New Year and all things to do with Chinese New year. They even took a field trip the week before to the Wing Luke Asian Museum in the International District. Photo below of Josie "counting dragons" that were posted all over the ID in preparation for their Lunar New Year celebration. During class the students all helped decorate the Dragon head that was used for the Dragon Dance, they each made Chinese lanterns, Lion hand puppets and helped to make almond cookies and wontons. On the day of their celebration, the kids were asked to wear red for good luck. About half way through preschool that day they all went downstairs and performed the dance several times making sure that everyone was able to have a turn at being up in front. They walked around the room in a circle chanting "Gung Hay Fat Choy" Which means "Happy New Year" in Chinese.

Marty and Benjamin walked up to take part in the celebration. Benjamin even got to "feed the dragon" Apparently the tradition is for onlookers to feed lettuce to the dragon for good luck as it passes. At preschool they gave out little red envelopes to feed to the dragon instead. Benjamin didn't quite understand it all but he played along.

After their Dragon dance they all came back up for their "snack" which was rice, the wontons and almond cookies that they made earlier in the week and the only utensil they were given were chopsticks.
Ever since seeing The Nutcracker with Josie, she says "No Flash Photography" whenever we are trying to take a photo or a video. You can see her reaction and Benjamin feeding the dragon in the videos below.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Warm and Sunny

We have been having unseasonably warm and sunny weather. Really, it feels like May. We've been going for walks down to Alki, hitting up different parks after preschool and last weekend during our visit with Oma and Opa, Marty and Josie took a little trip out in their boat. No coats needed! Amazing. Of course the weather couldn't last forever and it is raining and colder today but the 5 or so days of sunshine and warmer temps were much appreciated by all.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


On the heels of her first roller skating birthday party (photo below) Josie had her first dance recital. She was VERY excited and took the whole thing very seriously. She danced her little heart out and loved every minute of it, especially wearing her tutu. Photo to the left is Teacher Jenna and Josie. The dance recital was even written up in the West Seattle Herald with a couple photos of Josie.

Josie was telling Marty "No Photos" by wagging her finger

Twirling the hula hoop
Benjamin loved watching "JoJo" dance and even yelled out "WOW!" when she was done.

And an entire class takes a bow

Benjamin was happy to run wild after the performance.
One last photo of Josie and Teacher Jenna
And here is the only photo I have of the skating party sent to me by a friend. I haven't been in a roller rink in probably close to 30 years! It definitely brought back memories of Jr. High.... man, that was a looooong time ago.
This was only Josie's second time on skates and she did pretty well. I didn't realize how hard it would be for me to skate and hold her up but we made it through the entire party with no falls :)