Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First Haircut, Friends and Happy Birthday, Opa

Josie had her very first haircut last week. She actually did much better than I had anticipated. I think she was a little scared but she stayed very still and quiet the entire time. She doesn't have a whole lot of hair so it was basically just a trim but it was nice to get all the dead ends cut off and some of her baby hair. Now she has little whispy bangs and it looks healthier
Here is a recent photo of her PEPS friends. They have all been friends since they were 3 months old. It is nice to have such fun friends that we see on such a regular basis.

This is Bryn and Josie. They are the best of friends and see each other 2-4 days a week.
When Josie visited Aunt Liz a few weeks ago she gave us a Riemer family favorite - the game Booby trap. Here is Josie and Marty playing.

And later building really tall towers.

A special birthday song for Opa

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Grand Asian Suite and Big Girl Bed

Our remodel is coming to an end, THANKFULLY!! We were at the stage where we had to be out of the house for 48 hours so that they could finish the hardwood floors with all the toxic stuff. We took advantage of the situation and with Marty's connections we stayed like kings at the Tulalip Resort in Marysville. It was probably the nicest hotel room either of us have ever stayed in. They have several themed suites there. We stayed in the Grand Asian Suite. It was so nice and very relaxing. I even spent a couple hours in their amazing spa.
On our way to the hotel I dropped Josie off in Snohomish to spend some time with Liz and family. It is so evident that Josie has a ball up there. She LOVES all the animals and spending time with Liz, Ed and Stephanie. This time she had an extra special time with Schnitzel, their new puppy, and the new baby goats. This city girl definitely has some country on the inside.
Thanks SO much Liz, Ed and Stephanie. We all appreciated it.
We reconnected with Josie and gang at our hotel. We planned to have dinner at one of the hotel restaurants but decided to thorougly enjoy our room and dining room by ordering room service. How often do you stay in a hotel that has a dining room in it?
We are trying to get out and walk more. There was a break in the crazy, spring weather and so we walked down to Pegasus for dinner.
Marty and Josie peeking through the fully bloomed daffodils. A good sign that Spring is coming even if it doesn't feel or look like it weather-wise. We moved Josie's bed up from the basement and back into her real room. We decided to go ahead take down the front railing. She is pretty excited about her big girl bed and the ability to get in and out by herself. She did pretty well last night and even took a 2 and half hour nap in it today. I know there will be more adjustment but am pleased how well it has gone so far. Hopefully it continues.
Here is Josie with her little friends practicing going to bed. Notice her speaking German as she puts her babies to bed. "ganz schon" meaning "very nice"

Sunday, March 15, 2009

SNOW - Again! And Big Girl Pants

We woke up to snow again today. Unfortunately, by the time we got out there it was all rainy and melting. Josie didn't mind, though. She loved jumping in the puddles and eating snowballs. After we were both freezing cold, we warmed up with a little hot chocolate. Her first time drinking (gulping) it in a real cup.

We've been using the toilet a lot more lately.
As you can see, she is very proud of her "big girl pants"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Preschool, Friends and Cousins

I'm the photographer for our co-op preschool and this week I brought the camera in to take a few shots. Here is Josie at the water table. Josie likes all parts of preschool but probably her favorite time is the circle singing time. She rushes through her last few bites of snack to be one of the first kids to the circle and the beloved scarves
After the scarves the kids normally sit in their parent's laps. Since I was taking photos this week, Josie decided to sit in Teacher Sara's lap. Soon after she sat down her two good friends, Lowen and Bryn, joined her.

Josie's new thing is hide-and-seek. She is getting better at hiding but hasn't really figured out that just because she can't see us doesn't mean we can't see her! Here is one of her "hiding spots" Pretty creative but still needs a bit of work.

Josie with her good friend, Boyan

Last weekend Josie and I spent a few days up in Bellingham with the Wileys. Both Andrew and Jonathan were great cousins to Josie. She had a ball playing with all the big kid toys and with her cousins. Jon read books to her and both boys shared their toys with her and made her feel a part of the family. Thanks, Wileys!!

Josie with her "little friends"

Becoming a nightly ritual: Ring around the Rosie in German.

She has been into her "knock knock" flap books lately. While reading it she has to tap on each door before opening the flap. She also has been putting herself in closets or behind doors and demanding we "knock knock" to find her.

Monday, March 2, 2009


I just noticed the first fully bloomed daffodil in our yard today. Yeah, Spring is coming :)
A couple weeks ago I flew down to Bend, Oregon for my younger sister, Angie's wedding. Congratulations, Kevin and Angie!

We finally are getting our house back in order. The remodel is not fully completed but we have been able to put our rugs back and hang our pictures and photos on the walls. It is feeling more and more like home. To celebrate our house becoming our home again we had Jodi (Marty's on air partner)and her husband, David, over for dinner on Saturday. Thankfully both David and Jodi LOVED playing with play-doh and were quite talented at sculpting. Who knew?? They were great sports and created many different shapes and objects for Josie with her play-doh.

To continue celebrating we had the whole Riemer clan over for brunch on Sunday. Happy Birthday, Eric!

After 8 months of remodeling, Josie has taken to building some things herself. She builds towers with everything these days - tiles, legos, bristle blocks, boxes and of course blocks.

Josie and Marty being silly in bed: