Friday, October 31, 2014


 This year for Halloween we meet up with our neighbor, Ariana, and Josie's good friend, Elliott.  Benjamin was thrilled to be trick or treating with this group of lovely ladies
 Until he got too tired to walk anymore!

 Josie is always game for more.  She still had a smile on her face at the end.  Here she is with the handmade pumpkin that Grandma made probably 35 or 40 years ago!!  Not only cute but can stand the test of time!

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Pumpkins and Half Birthdays

On October 23rd, we celebrated Benjamin's half birthday with candles and cookies......

We headed down to a pumpkin patch on a unseasonably warm late October day.  

 After carefully choosing our pumpkins and several photos we loaded up and headed to Oma and Opa's house which is just a few minutes from the pumpkin patch
 Josie and Opa working on a project together

 And what would a trip to Oma and Opa's be without a trip out in the boat

When we got home Marty wowed the kid with his carving skills.. actually we divided the job.  He cut off the top and scooped out the guts.  I did the actually carving.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Soccer Saturdays

Our Saturdays were filled with soccer games this fall.  With both kids playing soccer for different clubs their games were often at the same time on different fields which were across town from each other.  It made for a pretty disjointed day for most of the season.  There were a few games which were perfectly timed... Benjamin played first then we had about an hour in between for snacks and to drive to the other field where Josie played.  One of those perfectly timed weekends Grandma and Papa even showed up to cheer the kids on.

 Marty would often help coach Benjamin when he played goalie

 Both kids improved greatly!  It was really fun to watch them.
 Because Josie's league was all volunteer based they often didn't have a referee.  Marty took up the job whenever he was available.

 Somehow both kids got the #7!!
We also lucked out with weather.  I think it only rained once the entire season.