Thursday, May 30, 2019

Greek Olympics

Josie has been studying ancient Greece for the past month or so.  On Wednesday she had the end of the unit party/project with the entire 6th grade class participating in the Greek Olympics.  Half wisdom and half physical competitions.  Along with an enormous class (all 126 students) potluck. During social studies class each day they had to wear their homemade Togas and they also wore these for the Greek Olympics.  She said her class did terribly but she had a lot of fun.
For one of the knowledge competitions she chose to recent the Greek alphabet.  Each student could choose to either recite the Greek alphabet or memorize famous Greek quotes. She choose the Greek alphabet as did 3/4 of her class.  She tied for 3rd out of about 100 students.  It was judged by who ever did it the fastest without mistakes. 

Tuesday, May 28, 2019


The kids both had music concerts at school last week.  I thought that they were on the same night but nope... Josie's was on Tuesday and Benjamin's was on Thursday which meant lots of time at school in the evening.

Benjamin has been having weekly lunch lessons of the recorder.  He enjoys it but really wants to play a "real" instrument next year.  We aren't sure which he will pick.  Right now he is toying with the trumpet or the trombone.

Josie started taking violin in Seattle in 4th grade and has continued through 6th.  She doesn't practice much but if she did I bet she could be really good.  She's not bad she just doesn't put in the necessary time that an instrument takes.

They both did great and were proud of their performances.  Josie even sang in a little acapela group with a few of her friends. 

At the end of each concert (once in the winter and once in the spring) we get asked for a small donation to help with the music program.  Other than that we are never asked for any money for school programs - aside from field trips or
Benjamin collecting money
donations at the exit door
overnight camp.  There is no big fundraiser and no big gifts for the teachers.  In the beginning of the year we are asked for 10 Euro per kid for class things which includes gifts for the teachers and anything else that may come up over the year.  We were invited to one fundraiser in April but most Germans don't really understand fundraising on any level given that the government (their taxes) pay for all of the things that we typically raise funds for. It is refreshing, really.

Pretty Poznan

We had been wanting to go on a train trip and we had the upcoming Memorial Day weekend where Marty and the kids both have the day off and most of Europe does not.  We had talked about going to Poznan Poland for awhile and it was the perfect distance on a train.  Just 2.5 hours away and cheap train tickets, even booked a couple of days before and hotel was pretty cheap too even booked the day before. We all had very low
expectations which always makes for a nice surprise when it turns out better than you had hoped. 
Josie actually threw a complete fit in the morning before the trip because  she "DID NOT WANT TO GO!!" She was tired of traveling and wasn't us being in Berlin travel enough.  Well, I just cannot NOT travel when we have so many
really cool places at our fingertips and for a relatively small amount of money.  So, after a complete meltdown on her part we left for the train on time, boarded on time and I packed a ton of fun train snacks and lunch and by the time we were less than half way there she was back to her normal self.
We arrived and it was warm and sunny and we walked the 1.5 miles from the train station to the hotel.  I think this is the part of travel she hates the most.  We are not taxi people and we love to walk and take public transportation but sometimes it just makes more sense to walk if it is close enough.  So we traipsed through town to our hotel which was just minutes away from the adorable
town square.
The light was gorgeous and our first impressions were great.
We made it to our hotel.  In cheaper countries we often
book two double rooms as it is cheaper than trying to get their very infrequent suites or rooms with more than one bed.  This place was perfect as it had a little foyer adjoining the two rooms.  But it also means two full bathrooms.  It was great.  And it had a breakfast buffet which is Josie's and Marty's favorite part of travel.  We unloaded our bags and set off for dinner.  We
ended up at one of the many restaurants around the town square.  We have gotten pretty good at ordering just the right amount for everyone. 
We HATE wasting food but we (Marty and I) hate stuffing ourselves to make sure that nothing gets wasted.  When we travel we often order three dishes.  The kids pick one each and Marty picks one and then I eat off of all three plates which is my favorite thing.  It is kind of like tapas!
After a restful sleep and a huge breakfast we set off the next morning for the water park.  It turned out to be another 1.5 to 2 mile walk through a park for part of it.  The kids complained but then had fun on the park equipment.  We had a blast for several hours and then on the walk home Benjamin was really complaining that his head hurt.  When we finally returned to the hotel and the kids were showered and dressed for dinner they both conked out, exhausted from the water park.  Sadly, when Benjamin woke up his stomach really hurt.  He threw up, which is his M.O. when he is overly tired and/or stimulated.  So Marty and Josie went to dinner (bringing me back a burger) and then
they went on to the same AWESOME soft ice cream place that we had gone our first night.  I got ready for bed and then all of a sudden Benjamin said he felt much better and wanted ice cream too.  I called Marty but they were nearly back at
the hotel by now so I (Mom of the year award here) put my glasses on.  Threw a sweatshirt over my pajamas and walked the mile or so to the ice cream shop.  I got myself one too because...duh.
One more big buffet breakfast on Monday morning and then the 1.5 mile walk to the train station and we were back in Berlin before mid afternoon.  Now that is the way to take a "little weekend getaway"

Monday, May 20, 2019

Rain and Mexican Food

There is only audio in this video but this was taken from my bed at 4:20AM!!  It was much louder than it sounds. 
Torrential downpour!!  But so warm.  This is NOT Seattle rain. 

OK, the pics and videos are all in the wrong place but I'm leaving it as is because at least they are there and I've already spent way too much time trying to figure it out.... 

The weather here is in a lot of ways similar to Seattle.  We have some of the same plants and flowers.  Lots of Rhododendrons, but even more Lilacs that Seattle.  The trees are more spindly, kind of like what you see on the way through Central Oregon on the way to Bend.  It is a bit further north so the days in the winter are even shorter and darker than Seattle in the Winter -I didn't think that was possible -and longer in the Spring/Summer.  I also didn't think that was possible aside from going to Alaska.  But we are a month away from the longest day of the year and it is totally light well past 9:30 PM.  And the sun rises again before 4:30 AM.  The sun doesn't actually wake us up but the birds do.  I have never, and I mean NEVER heard such loud, constant bird chirping in my life.  Not even while visiting the Amazon or game reserves in Africa.  Crazy loud birds that start around 4:15 each morning.  The early bird gets the worm I suppose.  But not only do we have longer/shorter days but the weather when it comes is much more intense.  The winds are crazy strong, the rain is torrential downpour at times and we have yet to see what an intense snow storm would feel like although the kids have their fingers crossed that next winter will be OUR winter.  We will see.
Also, in news, I finally found a place that sells decent salsa, chips, refried black beans, pickled jalepeƱos.  They even have American tortilla chips.  We were at a party a couple of weeks ago and I saw the host bring out a jar of salsa.  I wasn't even going to try it because the jarred salsa here is sickly sweet and gross.  Like, I've thrown away several jars because they say HOT on it and I think, oh, this one will be good.  But this one was actually marginally good.  I think compared to homemade or my several favorite go to salsas in Seattle this would be mediocre at best but having gone a couple of years (except the month we were in Seattle last summer) without salsa, it was great.  Josie is into it now too. We have gone through 3 sizable jars in 3 weeks.
For some reason I can't post my pictures... but if I get bogged down in technical issues I will never catch up.  No pics for now.  Hoping to get them up soon. ..

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Joining the Glasses Club

Ordering his Doner
Benjamin had been the only family member to not need glasses.  Every year at his annual check up they do that simple eye check and say he is fine.  He always was fine which shocked us given that Marty and I are both legally blind.  Marty has -9 and I have -7.5 and -8.5 and Josie is already -5. We knew it was only a matter of time and he did not stand a chance given the genetics he was given and the combo of mine and Marty's eyes.
One day a couple months ago he said he couldn't see things like the clock or things on the chalkboard at school.  He is 3 years older than Josie was and at least a year older than Marty and I were when we first needed our first pair of glasses.
It took over 2 months to get into the eye Dr. here and he would often ask when his appointment was because he was excited to get glasses.  Thankfully!!  Marty and I both have such negative baggage with wearing glasses that we thought he would too but thankfully he doesn't at all.
His appointment was at 5:45 PM so we took the opportunity to stop by and get a Turkish Doner on our way to the appointment.  He now walks up to the counter and orders in German.  Such a big guy.  He even looked back at me and said "want anything, Mom?" 
We make our way to the eye Dr where I have
to fill out a bunch of forms (in German)  The kids think it is hilarious to watch me muddle my way through this language.  They have no idea how difficult it is for me in situations like this.  In Seattle I can do all this mom stuff in my sleep.  In English.  Every time I have to do something like this I feel so dumb.  So misunderstood. So thankful for the reminder that SO many refugees and immigrants go through this type of thing and far worse every day!
The front desk staff and the Dr. speak almost exclusively German.  We muddle our way through.  And in the end he does need glasses.  Just a -1,5 correction which I'm sure will get worse as he grows as it did with the other three of us. 
He wasn't at all phased by needing glasses and was actually looking forward to it.  We decided to end our little outing by stopping by our favorite ice cream shop.  On the bus ride on the way home he was joking saying "oh, maybe I can get Harry Potter glasses...or better yet.  Maybe I can get a monocle?  Do you think I could get a monocle, Mom?"  Haha.  Sometimes his good mood and inquisitive nature just makes me laugh.

Monday, May 13, 2019

Happy Mother's Day

 Josie was in Munich on Mother's Day and without her around there isn't much going on for Mother'd Day ;-) 
Marty and I biked to Schlachtensee and took a nice walk around the lake.  Biked back and then had a leisurely and quiet day at home with just Benjamin.  Having one of the 4 of us gone makes for a very quiet house.  We definitely missed our girl while she was away in Munich but also so very proud of the amazing young woman that she is turning into.  She is very responsible, caring, intuitive and a bright light to all who know her.  We missed her but knew we needed to take advantage of her absence to go to Benjamin's favorite restaurant, Nirwana - Indian- which Josie
doesn't like so much.
In the end it was a perfect day for me.  A nice bike ride, nice walk, LOTS of steps, got stuff done around the house and ended with a nice dinner with my boys.
We were all very excited to welcome Josie home around 9PM on Sunday night.

Sunday, May 12, 2019


Josie had signed up at the beginning of the school year for some Theater Group called ISTA (International Student Theater Assoc) There wasn't much info about it but all we knew was that in May she would be going to Munich with a handful of other JFK students. 
She was really looking forward to this and when the time came she was nervous and excited in all the right amounts.  Two of her friends, Maya and Meredith were also going and those three would be the only 6th graders.  The rest of the group were in grades 7 and above. 
The night before the trip, her friend Meredith spent the night and in the morning Maya and her mom, Beth and I all headed out to the main train station in Berlin where they would catch a fast speed (ICE) train to Munich.  She
and her friends were giddy with excitement while still trying to be "grown up" 6th graders.
We had to say goodbye at the top of the platform and then she was off. 
She kept in touch with nightly text or phone
calls and had a great time with her friends. 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Pinball Party - NINE

Because Benjamin's birthday landed right during Spring break we wanted to wait until everyone was back in town to have his friends birthday party.
This year I had booked a cool pinball arcade which just happens to be a 10 minute bike ride from our house/school.  It was by far the easiest birthday party I
have ever put together for him.  It was in the later afternoon so I had just planned to bring a cake and the pinball arcade was going to provide drinks.  It was only 5 € per child which made it easy and inexpensive to invite ALL of his friends.  And all but one friend was able to come.
Unfortunately, the night before the party Marty and I went out with friends and I had probably one too many margaritas.  I woke up not feeling great and thought I would have a headache/hangover for the party.  But within an hour of being awake I was SO SO sick.  I must have had food poisoning on top of too many margaritas. I could not even keep ice chips down or get off the couch until 8PM the next night and suffered most of the next week.  And VERY sadly I had to miss out on going to Benjamin's birthday party.  Thankfully it was a very easy party for Marty to be in charge of.  He and Josie took care of everything and sent me pictures throughout so I felt like I was there.  I had made the cakes and cupcakes the day before, THANK GOD!.  Josie made and frosted and decorated them all though.  And she did an
amazing job and rightfully so was very proud of herself.  She always wants to help and I am not the best mentor when it comes to birthday cakes as I want it to look just so and I know we only have one shot at it. It was a blessing in disguise that she was able to do it, and do it so well, solo!!
Benjamin and his friends had a ball and no one even missed me at the party.  Happy birthday, buddy!!  Last year in single digits.

Benjamin surrounded by love, gifts and cards from his friends.