Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Benjamin - The Budding Scientist

Benjamin and I took a really fun science class through his co-op preschool. We learned all about science using everyday things.  We both loved it. 
 Air pressure:

 Chemical reaction with milk, soap and food coloring.

 The science of bouncing bubbles.

Library Exhibit

About a year ago, Josie signed up to be one of the exhibitors at our local public library.  There was a long list of other kids who also wanted to fill the display case.  When they called to ask if Josie still wanted to do it I had completely forgotten that we had signed up so many months ago.  True to Josie's character, she immediately said, "of couse I still want to do it!"  She thought long and hard about what she had enough of to make a display. She eventually came up with using all of her German things.... She took it very seriously and we gathered a bunch of things for the display case, she wrote a little description and then we went together to put together the display.   Very proud of our interesting, enthusiastic and serious little exhibitor. 

After the library visit we walked over the one of Josie's favorite restuarants, Angelina's, to celebrate.

 The kids LOVE dogs.  They would be thrilled if we got one and I know someday we will.  I just have trouble keeping the four of us plus Sophie alive.  Soon, kids, soon.  Until then, I'm very thankful for all of the very friendly dog owners who let us pet your pooches. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Benjamin Turns Four (and Two!)

So, I guess this is as good of time as any to confess to a very embarrassing mistake.  Especially as a second child with all of the second and middle child baggage,  I should have known better.  I should never have done this but I realized that I didn't post about Benjamin's 2nd birthday.  He obviously had one.  We clearly celebrated it and documented it well but I failed to put it on the blog.  Since this is our diary of sorts, I should at least post it now on his fourth birthday posting rather than act as if it didn't happen. In my defense, we had just returned from a nearly 3 week trip to Europe and I was a bit jet lagged.  So, first up, his 2nd birthday - April 23rd, 2012-
 Benjamin, don't hold a grudge, I'm sorry.  You had a beautifully decorated, homemade (by me) cake with lots of fresh fruit.
 Josie and Benjamin posing

 Everyone was here... Oma, Opa, Liz, Ed, Eric, Stephanie, Franziska, Josie, Dad and Mom.

You received a lot of nice gifts.. including this laptop computer
 And a new Diego bike with training wheels.
 Josie even learned to ride her bike on this day -without training wheels, for the first time.
Josie was very helpful and tried to help you ride your new bike
 Josie watching the gift opening.

Your new helmet, that turned out to be too small for your big head, so you have been using Josie's hand me down duck one. 
 New guitar and helmet.  What a combo.
You and Josie rode bikes in the street for a long time.

 The cake was yummy and we all had fun celebrating your big 2nd birthday.  Sorry again that I forgot to post it on the blog.

OK, back to 2014 and Benjamin's FOURTH birthday -
 Benjamin shows FOUR on his fingers on the morning of his fourth birthday.
 Chocolate cake with chocolate frosting per Benjamin's request.

 Best gift ever...

But, Benjamin is probably going to be sent back. 
 Opening his remote control spider from Aunt Liz and Uncle Ed.

 What, I have more gifts?  Cool!
 Birthday Brunch

 Happiest of birthdays (both 2nd and 4th) to our energetic, fun-loving, sometimes aggressive and crazy, little boy, Benjamin.  We love you more than you will ever know.
We also had a friend birthday party at the bowling alley.  Unfortunately, other than the balloons that we picked up beforehand, the party was kind of a bust.  He didn't bowl more than one time and was overwhelmed by the loudness of the alley.
 His friends had fun, though.

 And he loved the chocolate cupcakes.