Saturday, June 18, 2011

Planting Flowers

A few weeks ago we planted our pots. It has become an annual family tradition. Before kids, Marty and I would just do it and now Josie has become involved in every step. This time both kids went with Marty to pick out all the flowers.

When they got home, Josie chose which flowers were to go in each pot.

She helped get the soil ready and poured the fertlizer into the hole where the flower would go.

She poured more water over the roots and helped put the flower into place.

Of course, I forgot the take a photo of one of the finished pots on the day of planting and took this a few days later... raining outside which it has done off and on since we planted them. I guess the rain (and a sun break here or there) is good for the flowers at least.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Sunday, June 12, 2011


I've had very little time to update the blog lately but I know if I get too far behind I won't ever catch up. So.. this post will be a random mix so that I can feel that the posts are still in a somewhat chronological order.

We were very late in visiting the Tulip Festival this year. Josie kept asking to go and I kept trying to find an open day. Finally, the first week of May we headed up to see the tulips on their final leg. Most of the fields were plowed under already and a lot of the pedals looked like they were ready to fall but we found one fun garden with a ton of varieties and enough life left in them to make a few pretty pictures.

Josie took the camera the minute we got there and took 200+ photos!! Times have certainly changed. There is no way she would've been able to do that with a film camera as film and developing were so expensive. But she had a blast taking photos.

Here are a few of her favorites:

A few weeks ago we meet up with some friends at the Zoo. Josie and friends enjoying some climbing time.

Benjamin had fun looking at the elephants with his friend, Gavin.

Josie just recently finished her 4th year at Co-op preschool. Next year will be year #5; she will be in the 4's class 4 days a week. I can't believe she only has one more year until kindergarten!!
Here is a photo of her class this year. Because her birthday is in September she will always be one of the oldest and because she has a giant for a father she will probably always be one of the tallest. The three girls in the middle all have fall birthdays... can you tell by how tall and old they look compartively?

Before leaving on their road trip we joined Julie, her parents and her friends at Pegasus for one last Seattle meal. Josie fit right in with the blonde German girls.

Benjamin's favorite place to eat breakfast... in daddy's lap.

Julie's parents brought us all gifts from Germany when they visited. Marty's was the biggest hit with 3/4 of the family :)

Josie always puts on protective ear wear and Benjamin, unless strapped in his high chair, goes completely bizerk trying to catch it and usually ends up face down on the floor. Obviously, I'm only posting the video of him in his chair.