This summer both kids had fun at summer camps. Josie did 3 weeks at 3 different camps. She started off the camp season with an acting camp at Seattle Children's Theater in Seattle Center. Other than it being highly inconvenient to get there and back it was a fun and successful camp. Thankfully, her friend Hank also attended and we were able to carpool but even still it was a bit of a pain. Here she is on the final "presentation" day.
Getting her award....
The side benefit was that when I dropped Josie and Hank off in the morning it gave Benjamin and I a good excuse to hang out at Seattle Center and The Pacific Science Center
And on the other days we hung out at parks and playgrounds and went swimming. One day I met up with my friend, Marjie. She had a pair of cowboy boots and Benjamin decided to strip and put them on... who knows why but he looked pretty funny.
The following week Josie had a blast at a local Gymnastic Academy. She attended with her good, long-time friend, Bryn and a good, new friend, Lilly.
Below are Josie and Lilly walking into camp. Note her gymnastics suit. This was a hand me down from a friend of mine and she insisted on wearing it almost daily.
Smiling girls walking to camp.
During this week Benjamin did his first ever summer camp. We worked out a carpool so he rode to and from with friends. There were a couple of rough drop offs but despite himself I think he had a pretty good time. Here are the cute boys on the ride home: Henry, Charlie and Benjamin
And as a treat for being such a big boy for the 3 days of camp he got a "huge" (not mini) cupcake
Here are a few videos from Josie's final day at gymnastics camp.
Of course, as it would turn out, her favorite camp ended up being her final camp which was a PE camp at her elementary school. I have no photos of it, it was the least expensive, most convenient and she had the most friends attending. Lessons learned: Sign Benjamin up for more than one week and make sure ALL of Josie's camps are in West Seattle. But overall it was a very successful summer camps experience.