Sunday, May 30, 2010

Kids and Activities

Both kids have been quite busy the past week or so.

Kid #1
Josie started a ballet class and really loves it.
Here we are on the way to the class.

Josie in her tutu.

Josie taking a bow.

Normally, the teacher shuts the door once class starts but because they had to use the gym last week instead of the normal ballet room (usually they are in a room with mirrors all around and ballet bars) I was able to get a short video of all the kids running around before class started.

Josie continues to LOVE painting. She actually loves art of all kinds.

Josie conked out in the back seat on the way back home after a lively visit to Oma and Opa's.

Kids #1 and #2 together.

Josie LOVES her little brother. She is always trying to kiss and hug him and pick him up.

This is such a typical scene in our house these days. Josie has a few personal space issues and Benjamin just takes it all in stride.
Kid #2
Benjamin in the bath. Look how big he has gotten.

He also started to smile last week - so cute and sweet. It is really hard, however, to capture it in video or photo.
Here he is with a small smile that quickly turns into a freaked out, crossed-eye look. It is MUCH better in person.

Benjamin spending a little time on his tummy. Josie didn't last more than half a minute but Benjamin does quite well.

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