Sunday, July 4, 2010

Benjamin - 2 months

Ben had his 2 month Dr. appt. on the 24th. He weighed 10 lbs. 10 oz. and is 23 inches long.
At birth he was 7 lb. 10 oz. and was 20 1/2 inches long. He is 55th% for height and 25th for weight. I think he is pretty much the same size as Josie was but because boys and girls on are a different growth scale he is a bit lower than she was on the percentage chart. Still too early to tell if he will get his height genes for me or Marty. The Dr. says that up until kids are 1.5 or two a lot of it is still just based on birth weight/height.
He is happy and healthy. We are very blessed.

Unlike his sister, this kid fights sleep. He will only nap while being held, carried in the front pack/sling on in his swing. Thankfully, at night he sleeps like a champ. Usually we get at least one 4-5 hour stretch of sleep between feedings.
Here he is comfortably asleep in his swing.

Tall Towers

Book time with Daddy

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