Saturday, November 26, 2011


Last week I celebrated my 43rd birthday! Really? 43!! It is hard to believe that I'm just about what is considered mid-forties! I guess, physically I feel that old sometimes due to the work of taking care of two small kids and not getting enough sleep but it doesn't seem like I could possibly be that old. I remember when my parents were 43... and sorry Mom and Dad, but that always seemed SO old! Oh, well. I guess you can't stop time. It was not a painful birthday as far dreading getting older and on all accounts a very good day. Benjamin and Josie gave me my best present. They both slept in their own beds from 7:30 the night before until 6:45 the morning of. What a treat!! Josie and Elli had somehow hidden my birthday gifts under our bed and Marty did too so in the morning we had a little celebration with all four of us in the bed before breakfast. During the day I cashed in on the awesome gift card Oma gave me to Habitude and had a very relaxing facial. She gave it to me for my 40th bday. I used half of it for my 41st birthday, and the remaining balance for my 43rd. Obviously, I'm as frugal with gift cards as I am with money but that makes me appreciate it all the more. Thank you, Oma!That night Elli had bought me a cake and Josie and her tried to decorate it with candles. Josie lamented, "sorry, Mom, we didnt' have enough candles" You know you are old when all the candles in the house are used and it still isn't enough :)
Benjamin even got in on the singing:

A few days after my birthday, my very good and long time friends Marjie, Stina and I got together to celebrate. Marjie and I traveled throughout Mexico for a month back in 2000. One of my most memorable and favorite trips, by the way. While we were there we took a cooking class in Oaxaca and learned how to make mole. It is so involved that I never make it. Marjie is a phenomenal cook and made me an incredible Mexican meal with homemade tortilla chips, guacamole, stuffed chilies with her special homemade mole sauce. Really, one of the best meals I've had in a VERY long time. Along with a bottle of wine we spent almost 4 hours eating, drinking, laughing and catching up. I told them we need to do this once a month... I'm hoping they will go for it :)

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