Saturday, February 25, 2012

2 on 1

Last weekend both of the kids enjoyed rare 2 on 1 attention. Josie spent the weekend up at Liz and Ed's and was thoroughly spoiled. Benjamin spent the weekend with us and loved having Marty and me all to himself.
While up in Snohomish, Josie took Nudel and Schnitzel for a walk. A close second to Liz and Ed are their dogs!! She desperately wants a dog and I've told her that when Benjamin is 5 (and hopefully less work and is sleeping better!!) I'll have the energy for a dog. She asks me almost every day how much longer it will be until Benjamin is 5!

She also was given the chance to go to the Build a Bear workshop and pick out her very own new Build a Bear... which she named Lilly CoolDog Princess! She even talked Liz into all the extra frills -"a cell phone, a princess outfit, headband, sparkly shoes, sweatshirt, and hot pink underwear" according to Josie. Below is her picking out her pink peace bear and below that giving it an air bath.
Her bear fit right in with her doll family.

Josie and Nudel playing with the stacking dolls

And their last stop for the weekend was to the Everett Children's Museum.
Her name in lights.
Josie the firefighter

Benjamin also had a great time. We took him swimming and to the Seattle Children's Museum. We also took advantage of a "free introductory class" at the Little Gym in West Seattle. He LOVED it.

Of course, I messed up while filming his triple flip around the bar. I started, then stopped and it's choppy but cute all the same.

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