Sunday, June 3, 2012


Thursdays have become my busiest and most favorite day of the week.  I start off with some quality time just Benjamin and me at his co-op preschool.  Here is his first official school photo.  Pretty handsome little guy. 

Benjamin and I race home from preschool just in time to drop him off with Franziska. Josie jumps in the car and we head to her preschool.  Since returning from Europe I've worked my normal Wednesdays in her classroom but also most Thursdays as well either to make up for my missed time or to help out with special events or field trips.  Last week I was able to go on their field trip to Alki and explore during low tide.

Josie and her good friend, Hank
 Teacher Linda going over the finer details of a crab
 Exploring under rocks
Josie and her entire preschool class

The week prior the kids spent a lot of time making their own kites.  After exploring at the beach we walked up to a field and the kids were able to fly them.  I know I've said this before but these few hours with Josie are some of the best hours we spend together each week.  

And if that wasn't enough for my day.. after preschool on Thursdays, Josie and I head straight to dance class after preschool.  Phew!!  Busy but very satisfying day :)

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