Sunday, August 5, 2012

Swim Lessons

Josie and Benjamin had 2 weeks of daily swim lessons.  It was a HUGE success.  The age limit at the pool is supposed to be 3 but while I was in line waiting to sign Josie up a friend said she had signed up her 2 year old for the session previous and he did great.  I figured it was worth a shot.  Josie was an old pro.  This is her third summer going to swim lessons at this pool so she sat with Benjamin each day at the edge of the pool until his teacher got there and then she would run over to her "big kid" class.  

 The first day he jumped into the teacher's arms and didn't look back!!
 He had a couple of times where he wanted to get out or for me to get in but 90% of the time he was having a ball. He especially loved the little "space ship" a portable swimming pool play pen that has a bottom in it so that he could reach.  He loved jumping up and down in the "space ship"

The final day the kids jumped off the starting blocks!  Big fun for both of them. 
 Not only was Josie a wonderful big and protective older sister but she did FANTASTIC in the pool.  She was under the water more than she was above and she learned to really swim not just survive in the pool.  By the end she was doing the crawl stroke while breathing to the side the width of the pool and back.

Getting them all buckled in and ready to go everyday was a bit of a hassle but well worth it in the end. 
A second to the last day ice cream treat from the pool store.

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