Sunday, September 16, 2012

This is the Way Our Garden Grows

We had a few additions to our simple garden this year.  In preschool class, Josie planted 4 different types of seeds and made observations to see what changes they made.  After they sprouted in class she brought them home and was very diligent to keep the plants outside during the day and brought them in every night for about 10 days.  These were the instructions from her preschool teacher and unlike home she LOVES to follow instructions from school :)
I was doubtful that the sunflower would grow in our garden but we planted it anyway.
Needless to say, I was very wrong.  We watched with amazement as the sunflower grew taller and taller and then started to open up into this beautiful, tall, sunflower! In the end it was over 6 feet tall!
Her pumpkins sprouted several really good looking blooms but never produced a pumpkin.

Her sweet pea didn't really do much but her green bean produced probably 2-3 dozen beans.  Unfortunately, not all at the same time so every few days she would run in with 3 beans and we all had to eat one.

Our normal tomato garden is doing quite well.  Our first ripe tomato for the year.

 Picking and eating the tomatoes are one of the highlights of the day.  Home grown tomatoes are so much more flavorful than store bought.  I wish we could have them year-round.

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