Monday, May 13, 2013

The Happiest Place on Earth

A lot of Josie's friends were flying off to fun places for their spring break... Hawaii, Mexico, Disneyland.  Never fear, Josie ended up going to her "happiest place on earth" too.  Aunt Liz and Uncle Ed's house is truly Josie's happy place.  The photo left is what she drew on the whiteboard in anticipation of her trip up.  She is on the left with Schnitzel the dog, holding hands with Liz and written above her head it says Josie, Josie, Josie, yay, yay, yay! She honestly requests to go there no less than once every couple of weeks throughout the year.  She always says that she wants to stay at LEAST 5 nights.  "Come on, Mom," she says.  "I LOVE it up there."  And fortunately for everyone involved, Liz and Ed love her and love when she visits, too.
This time was a bit special because Benjamin got to experience the magic of Liz and Ed's for the first time. He has asked to go the last few times Josie has gone and during the past year I have thought he could probably do the day part but once nighttime hit everyone would wish he were back here with me.  Since he had taken such great leaps with sleeping in his bottom bunk all night we all decided to take the chance.  Big kudos to Liz and Ed for having the heart and guts to be the first to attempt this :)
Below: Josie and Benjamin with Schnitzel
Walking Nudel
Walking Schnitzel
 Looking over the bridge
To Josie's credit, she was very welcoming and encouraging about Benjamin coming up with her this time.  Both Marty and I thought that since it is such a special place to her that she would not like to share it.  But she was very excited to show Benjamin the ropes and introduce him to her home away from home.
Benjamin playing trains
Pulling them all along
So Benjamin ended up doing great.  He loved playing all day and even went to sleep without any trouble... but woke up at 3 AM crying for me.  The crying was short lived but he never really did go back to sleep.  But I picked him up the next morning on schedule and he seemed in great spirits and said he had a great time. Josie stayed up there for another couple of nights.  Not quite 5 nights but she got a good 3 in this time.
 Josie practicing her jump roping
 Josie made Ed a special breakfast - scrambled eggs with cheese, toast with plum jam and a bunch of extra plums to go along with it.  She was very proud!
THANK YOU Liz and Ed!!!
Really, I was thinking about how cool it is that our kids have such a wonderful place to visit.  Most of the time when people love your kids or want to spend time with them they have only a few of the following characteristics but rarely all of them:

  • Love for your kids
  • Desire to spend time with them
  • Enough energy and time to spend time with them
  • An understanding of how a child's mind works
  • Experience being a parent
I can say that when I was a new aunt to my sister's kids I really, really loved them... I still do but I had NO idea how to play with them or any experience really with small kids when they were young.  I was available and eager to hang out but really had no clue about kids.  Now I have no time or energy for anyone else's kids besides my own. 

That is what makes Liz and Ed unique.  They possess ALL of the characteristics above which makes them the perfect home away from home.   Marty and I could not be more thankful!!  

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