Monday, April 30, 2018

Busy Sunday

Juli said we didn't need to bring anything but
Marty remembered to buy flowers for the host
in the train station on our way
We normally don't schedule too much on the weekends but somehow we booked the last weekend in April chock full.  On Sunday we were invited to one of Benjamin's classmates for lunch.  Marty took a parenting class taught but our good friend, Fionnuala, and from that class met a few other JFK parents.  One of which was a very nice woman named Juli who happened to have a son in Benjamin's class.  She invited us over and I have to say it was one of the very first times that Marty planned the entire outing!  I wasn't involved in the back and forth over when and where and what should we bring.  He did it all.  And it was lovely!!  We hopped the train and then a bus and within 30 minutes we arrived at their lovely home near Wannsee.  She served a delicious meal followed by an even better cake!!  She clearly likes to cook and is very good at it.  I have lost my creative cooking while here but she lent me a few of her magazines and I'm feeling inspired again.
The kids played in their yard, the sun was shining and it was actually super warm, we had a tasty bottle of white wine and really relaxed.  I have to say that the Germans have somehow found the balance in working hard and really truly relaxing.  It is something I really want to take away from this experience living here... to really just embrace Sundays or weekends or holidays and truly relax.  I do it so rarely.

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