Saturday, June 30, 2018

Last Day of School

 Friday was the last day of school for these two incredible kids.
Every last day of school with them seems momentous but this year does in particular.  They moved half way around the world, started the year with not one acquaintance let alone a friend, barely grasping the German language and no idea what to expect.  They both started hesitantly yet boldly.  They are ending the year with more friends than they can count, having excelled in all of their academic subjects - including German, and have broadened their horizons in ways we can't even see yet.  Yes, we are SO SO proud of these two!!  On to 6th
and 3rd grades in August!
After school Josie REALLY wanted to go and buy her school supplies for NEXT YEAR?!?!  What kid does that?  She talked me into biking to the store while Marty did the radio show and Benjamin read one of his newly checked out library books.  She was in heaven.  Then when we got home the kids sat on the floor and organized their school supplies for next year!!! I guess that is a good sign about the school and them wanting to go back next year.  They are already ready!
We celebrated the end of the year with a trip to one of our favorite Italian restaurants for dinner.  It was a lovely evening, the restaurant is just a 10 minute bike ride away, we sat outside and laughed and reminisced over the past year.  I wanted to take a photo because we were having such a good time but Marty said to "just enjoy the moment" So I did.  Trust me, we all would have looked so happy in a photo ;-)

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