Saturday, October 20, 2018

Neighbor Visits

We have had several people visit us here in Berlin and we truly appreciate each and EVERY one.  It reminds us that although we are living half way around the world the world really isn't all that big when one of our friends, or in this case West Seattle neighbor, stops by for a visit.
While we were home in Seattle this summer our neighbor a couple of doors down from us told us that she had won a trip to Italy (how lucky, right??) and that she would be visiting Europe in October and wondering if we would be around.  We knew that Josie had 6th grade camp and that we had a 2 week break but thankfully her (Judi's) visit would come right while we were certain to be home.
She and her friend Chris had a fabulous time in Italy before hoping on a plane to visit Prague and then hoping on a train to visit us here in Berlin before heading back to Rome and then returning to Seattle.
Marty and I met them downtown for a bit of sightseeing and then they trekked all the way out here for dinner at our place.
SO great to see you, Judi, and meet you, Chris!!  We loved having you visit.

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