Sunday, April 7, 2019

Hertha - Berlin Soccer

 It is funny that we hadn't been to a Berlin Soccer game until today.  Soccer, or as it is called here, Futball, is a big deal.  Every city has their team and people are just more generally into it here.
Both kids play on the school soccer team this year.  Even though both are a bit bored by it.  Josie much more so than Benjamin. 
Sports aren't really a big deal in schools here and are played mostly in clubs instead.  Especially soccer where the really talented kids have already moved on to elite or superior teams by grade 3.  Since schools don't really play soccer they only do scrimmages with other members of their team.  For Benjamin it is still a full kind of like a full on game but for Josie it isn't the same as what she was used to at all in Seattle.  Partly because they have fewer girls participating so her team is all the girls from grades 4 to 12!!  And even then there are only maybe 15 kids.
The Hertha tickets were organized by Benjamin's soccer coach so we went along with nearly Benjamin's entire team and their families.  The trains were so full that you had to wait for a train or two to find space to squeeze in.  Still so much better than having to deal with traffic and parking in a car. It was a beautifully sunny Saturday and we all had a great time. 

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