We had been wanting to go on a train trip and we had the upcoming Memorial Day weekend where Marty and the kids both have the day off and most of Europe does not. We had talked about going to Poznan Poland for awhile and it was the perfect distance on a train. Just 2.5 hours away and cheap train tickets, even booked a couple of days before and hotel was pretty cheap too even booked the day before. We all had very low
expectations which always makes for a nice surprise when it turns out better than you had hoped.
Josie actually threw a complete fit in the morning before the trip because she "DID NOT WANT TO GO!!" She was tired of traveling and wasn't us being in Berlin travel enough. Well, I just cannot NOT travel when we have so many
really cool places at our fingertips and for a relatively small amount of money. So, after a complete meltdown on her part we left for the train on time, boarded on time and I packed a ton of fun train snacks and lunch and by the time we were less than half way there she was back to her normal self.
We arrived and it was warm and sunny and we walked the 1.5 miles from the train station to the hotel. I think this is the part of travel she hates the most. We are not taxi people and we love to walk and take public transportation but sometimes it just makes more sense to walk if it is close enough. So we traipsed through town to our hotel which was just minutes away from the adorable
town square.
The light was gorgeous and our first impressions were great.
We made it to our hotel. In cheaper countries we often
book two double rooms as it is cheaper than trying to get their very infrequent suites or rooms with more than one bed. This place was perfect as it had a little foyer adjoining the two rooms. But it also means two full bathrooms. It was great. And it had a breakfast buffet which is Josie's and Marty's favorite part of travel. We unloaded our bags and set off for dinner. We
ended up at one of the many restaurants around the town square. We have gotten pretty good at ordering just the right amount for everyone.
We HATE wasting food but we (Marty and I) hate stuffing ourselves to make sure that nothing gets wasted. When we travel we often order three dishes. The kids pick one each and Marty picks one and then I eat off of all three plates which is my favorite thing. It is kind of like tapas!
After a restful sleep and a huge breakfast we set off the next morning for the water park. It turned out to be another 1.5 to 2 mile walk through a park for part of it. The kids complained but then had fun on the park equipment. We had a blast for several hours and then on the walk home Benjamin was really complaining that his head hurt. When we finally returned to the hotel and the kids were showered and dressed for dinner they both conked out, exhausted from the water park. Sadly, when Benjamin woke up his stomach really hurt. He threw up, which is his M.O. when he is overly tired and/or stimulated. So Marty and Josie went to dinner (bringing me back a burger) and then
they went on to the same AWESOME soft ice cream place that we had gone our first night. I got ready for bed and then all of a sudden Benjamin said he felt much better and wanted ice cream too. I called Marty but they were nearly back at
the hotel by now so I (Mom of the year award here) put my glasses on. Threw a sweatshirt over my pajamas and walked the mile or so to the ice cream shop. I got myself one too because...duh.
One more big buffet breakfast on Monday morning and then the 1.5 mile walk to the train station and we were back in Berlin before mid afternoon. Now that is the way to take a "little weekend getaway"