Tuesday, May 28, 2019


The kids both had music concerts at school last week.  I thought that they were on the same night but nope... Josie's was on Tuesday and Benjamin's was on Thursday which meant lots of time at school in the evening.

Benjamin has been having weekly lunch lessons of the recorder.  He enjoys it but really wants to play a "real" instrument next year.  We aren't sure which he will pick.  Right now he is toying with the trumpet or the trombone.

Josie started taking violin in Seattle in 4th grade and has continued through 6th.  She doesn't practice much but if she did I bet she could be really good.  She's not bad she just doesn't put in the necessary time that an instrument takes.

They both did great and were proud of their performances.  Josie even sang in a little acapela group with a few of her friends. 

At the end of each concert (once in the winter and once in the spring) we get asked for a small donation to help with the music program.  Other than that we are never asked for any money for school programs - aside from field trips or
Benjamin collecting money
donations at the exit door
overnight camp.  There is no big fundraiser and no big gifts for the teachers.  In the beginning of the year we are asked for 10 Euro per kid for class things which includes gifts for the teachers and anything else that may come up over the year.  We were invited to one fundraiser in April but most Germans don't really understand fundraising on any level given that the government (their taxes) pay for all of the things that we typically raise funds for. It is refreshing, really.

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