Saturday, June 29, 2019

Last Day Of 3rd and 6th

We took our last walk to school for the 2018-2019 school year.  Both kids did such a remarkable job in school this year.  Benjamin tore through more books than most people do in 5 years.  It was hard to believe the rate at which he was reading through not only books but series of books.  It was difficult to keep enough books in the house.  We counted and he read more than 52 books this school year. Not young kid books either, he read the Harry Potter Series, the Artemis Fowl Series,
Ranger's Apprentice, Spirit Animals and more. It was crazy how he could just plow through the books.  Next year he will be in 4th grade and starts the year straight away with a 4 night sleep away camp in the woods about 3 hours away from Berlin.  He is excited.  I am nervous. 

Josie ended the year with flying colors.  As mentioned in the previous post this was her year to shine.  With the 6th grade dance and bridge ceremony she had so many fun events to close out the year.

Benjamin didn't have any big end of the school year events but he did have fun at his 3rd grade picnic.  It was a 100 degree day so instead of walking to a park about a 30 minute walk away they just went next door to Hort (childcare) and played with the hoses and water and really it is something that you would never seen in the states.  An entire school day for just free play.  No pre-planned activities, just a few tables set up with food that the kids can just graze at their leisure, some hoses, some water guns a football field, some balls and then 125 kids and their imaginations.  The teachers were there but they just mingled with the kids and chilled.  It is always a bit Lord of the Flies- ish but the kids love it and really do just entertain themselves.
Happy End of School!! I was a bit worn out from all of the running around, packing, cleaning, walking, picking Benjamin up, etc , etc.  It is amazing how much we walk here.  Too may have been a bit too much. 

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