Sunday, February 11, 2024

Movie Star!


A couple of years ago Josie and I were hired to be some of the English character voices for a very popular German book series that had been turned into movies.  It isn't as big as Harry Potter but along the same lines with a a bunch of books in the series (now up to 14 volumes) and the books.  And then the books finding their way to the big screen. 

The German films have been out for awhile but the English adaptions, which is just English voices dubbed over the German voices, are slowing making their way to market.  Josie and I did the voice over work for film #1 three years ago and just recently we were called back in to do the voice work for film #2.  Both of our roles in the first movie were really small.  I was the mom of the main character and Josie was one of the mean girls in the friend group.  

Film number #2 was a bit different.  My part remained just about the same with about 15 lines.  But Josie's role went from about 15 lines to about 100.  She also had to go to a special recording studio to record a couple songs.  We both made some money and had fun doing something so completely different from our regular life.  
We are told that Josie's part for the next film is even bigger and is pretty much one of the main characters.  We will see. 

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