Friday, April 19, 2013

Happy Easter - 2013

We had a wonderful Easter celebration at Oma and Opa's this year. True to form, Oma had the table beautifully decorated with Spring and Easter.  Not to mention another delicious spread and 5 FIVE homemade cakes for dessert.  We were definitely spoiled.
Josie got a couple new Easter/Spring dresses that she was so excited to debut on Easter morning.  Here she is with one of her chocolate Easter bunnies.
Benjamin demanded that he wear something special to the celebration as well.  He decided he wanted to be a super hero.  So here he is below with his "cape" which is actually Josie's apron that she uses in her play kitchen.  It's tough being a boy, the second kid, when your older sibling is a sister.  He handles it well, though.

Below a partial shot of the nicely decorated table. 

After candy and treat filled basket searching and some lively conversation, Stephanie and Tyler took the kids out on the boat for a bit.  The day was gorgeous, sunny and warm.
Ready for launch

Tootling around the lake
And last but not least a photo of two of the five (FIVE) cakes.  Delicious as always.  And as an aside on a personal note, I think I'm addicted to Easter candy!   Between the Whoppers Robin Eggs and the Cadbury Mini Eggs I must eat my year's allotment of sugar in the weeks leading up to and after Easter.  Even as I type this I'm eating some Cadbury Mini Eggs that I bought after Easter for half price.  It was a large bag and the clerk ringing me up said, those are really good.  I agreed.  Then he said, that should last you awhile.  I replied... or maybe not!!  Thankfully both of these are only available at Easter otherwise I would be in trouble.

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