Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Short,Sweet and Sunny

 Last Monday, Marty had a video shoot up in Bellingham so the kids and I decided to make a day of it, skip school and spend some time up with the Wiley's.  Our first stop was Little Cheerful for breakfast.  We hadn't been there since I was pregnant with Josie.  Fun, yummy breakfast and a bit of posing on the side

Once we got to Kim's the kids ran straight upstairs to the bonus/toy room.  Benjamin started in on his tower and Josie had fun with all of the fake kitchen stuff.

 After lunch Kim had the great idea to stuff plastic eggs with goldfish crackers, gummies and cereal and then hide the eggs.  Between the stuffing once, hiding and finding (4 or 5 times) and eating the snack at the end this took up the majority of the afternoon as we waited for Jon and Drew to get home from school.
 And the sun came out.  So much so that Josie stripped down to her sundress and I had to put sunscreen on the kids.  First time this season.

 Stuffing the eggs.  Such intensity.
Josie reading to Kim and Jon.
 A happy, sunny, cheerful bunch
 Drew was a big hit with all of his boy toys.  Benjamin was in absolute heaven.  He has asked just about every day if we can go back up to see Auntie Kim.
Thanks so much for the fun day in the sun, Wileys!!  We will definitely be back.

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