Wednesday, June 21, 2017


The other day we went to our favorite Chinese restaurant in the ID, Shanghai Garden, and this was in my fortune cookie.
I'm not at all second guessing our decision to go but lately I've been a bit more introspective and wondering how we will all do during our year away. It has been so easy to focus on everything that has to happen before we leave and now, maybe because I'm trying to procrastinate with the packing, I've been a bit less excited and a bit more anxious.  I know a big part of this is that we have not heard back from JFK about Benjamin being accepted.  Nor have we heard back from our second or third choice schools and I am now spending my non-packing time looking at different International School options in Berlin.  We may have to look farther afield.  I hope not but also know that we definitely want them to attend the same school and that neither of them would do well in the local, all German, public school.  For today, I'll focus on my fortune and choose HAPPINESS over anxiety!!

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