Friday, December 15, 2017

Christmas Concerts

Both kids had Christmas concerts at school on the same day but thankfully at different times.
In the morning we showed up for Josie's first orchestra/band concert of the year.  She played the violin last year and didn't really take to it much.  She desperately wanted to play the guitar last year but we thought if she show interest and progress in the school sponsored orchestra program while playing the violin then we would fork over the money for private lessons.  Well, she didn't really show much progress or interest.  But this year she is taking it all over again and is actually enjoying it and it isn't painful anymore listening to her practice! Her concert alternated the band and orchestra playing traditional Christmas songs.
I know I've said this before but it is still somewhat shocking but nice to hear "Christmas songs" in a public school.
Benjamin does a weekly "singing circle" as part of his school day.  He doesn't get formal German instruction like Josie does but they sing songs in both German and English to help the non native speakers in each language group learn the other language.  His singing circle incorporated all five 2nd grade classes they way I imagine they do every week.  They had a huge Menorah in the middle of the circle as well as a huge advent wreath with huge, lit, advent candles.

They sang Silent Night and We Wish You a Merry Christmas and then a bunch of songs in German.  They sang the dreidel song and then a lovely song about Lighting the Menorah on each night of Hanukkah.  Both Marty and I were brought to tears by the beauty and innocence.  The embracing of both/all/no religion.  No one was offended about mentioning Christmas or Hanukkah even if one does or doesn't celebrate it.  It truly was beautiful.  I'm very thankful that we are having this experience, in a different country that does so many things so similarly as we do in Seattle and yet so many things, seemingly small things - but they certainly are not small, are so very different.

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