Thursday, December 13, 2018

KaDeWe and Mezem

 Wednesday was the first day since Marty was gone that things went normally in the morning.  Both kids and I biked to school.  They were in good spirits and even agreed to pose for a picture.
Simone and I decided to go to KaDeWe, one of the biggest department stores in the world.  They really go all out at Christmas and it feels like you are walking back in time.
We aimlessly looked through a few of the levels but spent most of our time on the food level.  Which really is quite impressive with all different kinds of imports from all over the world in their grocery type area.  Large boxes of Cherrios are 15 euro!!  Regular, small cans of Campbells cream of mushroom soup is 5 Euro.  We tasted and tested.  She bought some coffee and some fancy danish licorice.  They also have chocolate bars and chocolate counters and hot, homemade meals.  It is really quite amazing.
After time here we were hungry for lunch and thankfully I had time for it today.  We went to one of the place Marty and I discovered back in September but have not been back since.  Mezem is really pretty amazing.  Yum.

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