Thursday, April 9, 2020

Daily Finds

Every day it seems we find something new about the house.  We bought it back in May 2019.  When we bought it there was a long time renter living in it.  He and his family had lived here for 9 years.  He was EXTREMELY organized and treated his things very well.  We ended up swapping our apartment for the house. Meaning, he didn't want to leave the house mostly because finding something even remotely equivalent in this area is nearly impossible.  But because we were living right around the corner in a very nice, large apartment at the time, the renter decided that our apartment was the best replacement he could find.
So, we swapped.  The move happened over the summer. We moved all of our stuff into storage on the HOTTEST day of the year in Berlin.  It was the day after school got out and the day before we left for our summer in Seattle.  We left a few things in the apartment that the old renter wanted and he left his house - but mostly the garage and downstairs storage areas - full of useful household things that we did not own here because we had never needed them and things the renter would not have space for or need for (yard tools/equipment) due to living in an apartment where the community garden space is maintained by the rental management company.  We knew many of the things that were coming with the house (trampoline, scooters, fire pit, baseball equipment, the big American fridge, tons of wardrobes - German houses and apartments nearly never have built in closets. Our
apartment happened to have them so we needed all new wardrobes but since the renter already owned them and would no longer need them in our apartment he left them in the house. ) Even before the renter moved out we had begun our remodel which continues to this day.  Most of it has been completed and a couple of months ago the construction guys finally cleared out all of their tools and equipment and since then it seems we find another treasure that the renter left.  Now, we aren't sure if these things were the renters or the original owner of the house but many of these things have great value to us. 
The daily find on Wednesday was a entire, small storeroom at the back of the carport which had tiki torches, fuel for the torches, an electric lawn mower and a huge hammock.  The weather was perfect for enjoying all of these new finds. 

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