Monday, April 6, 2020

Sunshine and Bread

I probably should just start posting pictures.  Really not a lot happening here these days.  But for the first time since the lockdown began I have an actual title for my post. 
It is definitely classic Spring weather.  It snowed on Tuesday and was nearly 70 degrees by Saturday.  The change in weather was very welcomed.  And despite the one day of snow it has been very sunny, albeit sometimes very cold, since we ended with traditional life over three weeks ago. 
Other than TP being hard to find, baking yeast is also sold out
everywhere.  I have never wanted to make my own bread more than when I found out that there is no yeast ANYWHERE!  I had found flour but now no yeast.  Thankfully I have a friend with connections.  All of these hard to find things they days feels like drug deals when we do a "pick up" this time I walked by my friends 2nd story balcony and she just dropped down the small bags.   I also didn't have the cast iron pan required for baking the bread but by neighbor let me borrow theirs.  I gave her one of the 6 small packets of yeast in exchange.  It feels good to be able to "gift" and be given things that you actually really want and need.  Who knew that would become a pan and a small packet of yeast.  She was thrilled because she was hoping to make their special Easter bread but was sad to have not found yeast yet.  Problem solved for both of us.
I had written to another friend who is a seasoned baker for an easy starter recipe and Viola!!  I made bread!  The first night it was very flat. It tasted delicious with a crunchy outside and soft and tender inside.  There were two recipes and the first one had more water than the second one although the rest of the instructions were the same.  The next day I made another loaf and used the recipe with lesser water and it was PERFECT.  It looked good and it tasted
good.  Success!!!   The recipe - here- with the correct amount of water is SUPER easy and although it does take a long time to do the rise it is only about 10 minutes of hands on time.  So worth the wait!! Even Marty, my bread snob of a husband gave it two thumbs up and ranked it in some of the best breads he has ever eaten. 
The kids had a lot of trampolining, Mogli had a lot of walks.  We ate a lot of good food.  Yep, Groundhogs day. Over and over and over.

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