Saturday, September 28, 2019

55€, Spiderwebs, Seaweed and Sparks

On Friday I spent 75 minutes taking a survey.  This survey taking
paid 55€!  Last Spring I signed up to be a survey taker but up until this time I never made it to the short list of participants that they actually called in to take the survey.  It was a quick train/bus ride from school after I dropped the kids off.  It was a fancy, hipster place called Techspace.  A huge industrial building with many different start up companies on each floor of the probably 5 story building.  On the floor I was on it had a very modern reception area with a fancy coffee machine and water jugs and glasses.  They told me to help myself to a cup of coffee which I happily did.
The survey was about using an app to control all of our "smart" products in your home.  -
Lights, video doorbell, door locks, thermostat control, home stereo system, etc.  I used the app and gave my feedback and will hopefully get paid within the next week directly deposited to my bank account.  I figured it was totally worth my time since when I sub for an entire day I will only make around 90 €.

On the way home I coordinated a lunch with our good friends Juli and Corey and Marty and Mogli met us all there.  At - you guessed it, our favorite Vietnamese/Asian restaurant.
After school Benjamin had his buddy Evan over for a play date.  His mom is always SOO generous and often brings small gifts when she picks up.  This time it was Korean seaweed from their trip home to Korea this summer.  Benjamin LOVES seaweed and gobbled up the package before they even got in their car!

The seasons are changing and spiderwebs and turning up everywhere. This one looked particularly ghoulish with a fresh coating of dust and cement from the work done below the door.
And FINALLY FFFFIIINNNAALLLYY  they are started to fill up the stupid hole outside our back door.  Hallelujah!!!!
They are creating cement stairs that will take you from our back door into our back yard.  They started on the frames to pour the cement into with a bunch of sparks.  Finally something is being built instead of just torn out or down...

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