Saturday, September 21, 2019

Fun Run and Fridays for the Future

 Friday was the biennial Fun Run at JFKS.  It is funny to think back to our first Fun Run two years ago when we were so new.  We hadn't really met any friends yet, Benjamin had only been attending school or a week or so and Josie about 4 weeks.  We were mesmerized by the huge production that it was and it was fun to see the first, of what became many, FULL school events.  There is so much added to a school event when it spans grades K-12.
This year Marty and I were both signed up to help all day.  He was back in his familiar role as the DJ/MC and I was helping hand out the free Verein Fun Day tshirts.
The day started early at 7:30 and the weather was perfect.  A bit
My dear friend, Fiounnuala, who I met for the first
time 2 years ago at this same event. 
crisp but sunny and bright.  This year the Verein decided to add a bit of Fun Day to the Fun Run for the first time so there were food booths and musical acts.
The kids both ran during their grade's allotted time period.  Each grade was given 30 minutes to run as many laps as possible and as they passed their class table on the track a parent would mark their arm with another hashtag and at the end they counted up their laps and the people who sponsored would give money to the school for each lap.  Benjamin really gave it his all and ran 10 laps.  So 2.5 miles.  He is not a runner but he chugged along the entire 30 minutes.  Fourth grade must be the peak of interest in this event as the 4th graders well out did every other grade in number of laps.

Benjamin with one of his best buddies, Zeke. 
Josie is entering the age/grade where Fun Run becomes kind of dumb so most of her friends walked.  She walked (mostly) ran a little 5 laps. And DID NOT want pictures.

After the event Josie went with her friends to the enormous protest at Brandenburg Gate.  She waved an extremely tall sign (which her friend's dad attached to a window washer extendable stick) and came home inspired and tired and said "There were SOOOOO #FridaysforFuture
many people"  Estimates say close to 170,000 people showed up in Berlin!!  Wow!! 
The future is loud and bold!

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