Saturday, December 21, 2013

Pacific Science Center, Zoo and the Library

When you get a membership to one of the many cool, kid places in Seattle you never really know on the outset how much you will really use it.  We have had a membership to the Pacific Science Center for over a year and have definitely used it way more than we have used any other membership.  Benjamin used to go with Franziska at least a couple times a month, the three of us went many times over the summer and now Benjamin and I continue to go every other week or so.  He LOVES it there.  Last time we were there they had a robot circuit building lab.  Unless there is a large school group we pretty much have the place to ourselves which meant that he had the expert helper making this cool robot with him for about 30 minutes.  He kept wanting more wheels and more batteries and in the end he built this cool wheeled thing with a pen attached.  He was in heaven

We put our Woodland Park Zoo membership on hold for over a year and didn't really miss it.  Late last summer we renewed and although we don't get there much we always have a good time when we do.  Below are Benjamin, Josie, Reagan and Dawson. 

Digging for fossils
The library doesn't require a membership and it is free, except for the occasional lost book or late fee, but sometimes it feels like they should require payment given how much time we spend there.  On the weekends we often all walk up together, the kids check out books and then we head to a nearby restaurant.  It is always fun to see them read together.
 Benjamin chomping on a pakora while Josie reads to him.

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