Monday, February 5, 2018

European Divisionals

Josie competed in the Rhineland Divisional championships on Sunday.  She was SO nervous.  She was almost making herself sick she was so nervous.  It would be the first time she would compete in a 50 meter pool which she was excited about because she wouldn't have to do a flip turn... just one time down and she was done.  However it was also her first time being a part of a medley relay.  She was so scared of being disqualified and then disqualifying her entire team.
She, as always, did GREAT.  She came in 2nd in two of her 5 events and in the end swam not only one but TWO team relays and was not disqualified in either of them.
It was interesting because her best friend on the swim team, Suzy, wasn't there because her and her family were out of town for break so she really clung on to us like she hasn't in years and although a bit heartbreaking it was in a strange way really nice for her to need us/me this way. 
She wanted me to go with her as her event was prepped and then wait with her until her race started.  It was a really nice bonding time for us and even though it made me sad she was so nervous I was happy we had these moments together.  I know all too well that she is a preteen and these moments of her wanting me around are fleeting.

Marty was the announcer/DJ and Benjamin and Marty hung out with the speaker the entire day.  Marty had fun picking fun, upbeat music and Benjamin read over 100 pages in his Percy Jackson book.  This is the first Percy Jackson book he has read entirely on his own, by the way.
Even though it was a LLLOOONNNGG day (we left the house at 7:30 AM and didn't get back home until around 7:30 PM it was a really fun family day.  We all had jobs, we cheered on the JFK swim team.  Marty did a fantastic job mixing up the music - so many of the students and the parents even came over and complimented his choice of music, haha!!
Benjamin was incredibly patient - he typically HATES these all day swim meets but even he barely complained and kept himself entertained.  The big star of the day, though goes to Josie for facing her fear head-on and really swimming her strongest races yet.
We ended the day by going out to Josie's and my favorite restaurant here Bao, a delicious Vietnamese restaurant. 
It is so satisfying to watch both of my kids belly up to a huge bowl of Pho.  And then to top off the evening Benjamin's best buddy in Seattle texted to see if he could play xbox with him.  5 star day for sure!!

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