Thursday, February 22, 2018

German Directness

There are many ways you could describe the (stereo)typical German.  Efficient is one.  Direct is another.  This direct quality is one I am familiar with as Marty is quite direct and always has been.  You never have to wonder what he is thinking.  He will tell you exactly how he feels, his ups and downs, his opinions about just about anything and everything.  If he says something, he means it.  Although at first it was a bit surprising as my family was not direct and did just about anything to avoid conflict. The difference between Marty and most Germans here is that he does this mostly with people he knows very well. 
Germans here will tell you straight up what is on their minds.  The other day we were at the grocery store.  There was a man behind us in line that put about a dozen cigarette cartons on the conveyor belt.  I noticed this and was quite shocked by the quantity so I did what most non Germans would do and leaned over and quietly whispered to Marty "Wow!  Look at all those cigarettes that guy is buying!"  But not 2 seconds later the older woman in line behind the cigarette buying man just loudly said directly to him "What? Are you on a mission to kill yourself!?"  The man, very nonchalantly, answered back "I'm on a mission but not to kill myself"  They both kind of shrugged and smiled and both proceeded to pay for their "groceries" and go on about their day.
Ha!  I'm not sure I've seen that level of directness in the States.

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