Sunday, February 4, 2018

Jalapeños and Friends

You know you've made a good friend when you show up to Lacrosse practice and she pulls a plump jalapeño out of her bag!  I was so excited.  We had invited Clayton's family over for dinner Saturday night of the following week and I was going to make Mexican food and wanted to make my homemade pico de gallo salsa but was lamenting the fact that I can't find jalapeños anywhere here in Berlin.
Clayton's mom, Shantal,  found one at a store near her house and brought it to practice for me.  It was the week before they were coming but I put it in the fridge and prayed it would last until the following Saturday.  It was a wee bit shriveled but it tasted delicious in the salsa.  I haven't made this salsa in years because it is a lot of chopping and I can find arguably (nearly) as good of salsa at the store.  But here in Berlin, their salsa and Mexican food in general selection is quite lame.  And this time when I made it I realized it really isn't that much chopping and the result is SO worth it.
Clayton and his family came over and we enjoyed an evening of conversation, laughter and the kids played a mean game of hide and seek and tag.  Can't wait to have them over again!!
Thanks again for the jalapeño, Shantal.  You have now become my dealer and I may hit you up for another one...or 4.
No photos of the dinner or guests but some lovely ones of the true guest of honor.

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