Sunday, June 9, 2013

Bike to School Day

May 8th was National Bike to School/Work Day.  Marty biked with Benjamin in a back seat carrier and Josie rode her bike the entire way.  I helped push Josie up the three hills and then hopped in the car to meet them since we couldn't ride bikes home that day.  Josie made it... but not without a bit of drama.  She is a great bike rider when the course is relatively flat.  Unfortunately the route to and from school has some major hills.  I got her up the hills but she still have 3 or 4 major hills down.  She fell once but got back on and made it just in time for the group photo. She is in a purple coat on the right. 
 She normally rides the bus with her best friend, Elliott.  But being the good friend that she is Elliott met Josie as she entered school on her bike and boy did Josie have stories to tell about her adventures to school that day.

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