Thursday, June 20, 2013

Special Person's Night

Benjamin had a "special person's night" at co-op preschool a few weeks ago and so Marty went and got to see what Benjamin does each week at school.  This meant that I got the (sadly) very rare opportunity to hang out with my girl, just her and me.
It was a gorgeous, 80 degree evening so the kids hopped on their bikes and we all headed to preschool to drop the boys off and so that Josie could swing by and say hello to her previous preschool teacher's.
Josie and I then headed to Menchie's for frozen yogurt and played Uno and and fun, brain stretching, German game.  This is her saying YES, while pulling her fist down.
After Menchie's we hit Hiawatha park on the way home so she could show me her moves on the bars.  She is really pretty good on the single bar and the monkey bars.  She has huge calloused over blisters and amazing back and arm muscles from so much practice.   Here is a quick video that shows some of her progress.  Now she is up to skipping two bars and can climb and swing from just about anything.  We were talking about practicing things and how if you want to be really good you have to practice something a lot and that is how people get into the Olympics.  We could see her little mind working and then she cocked her head and asked, "Do they have monkey bars in the Olympics?"  Sadly, Josie, they don't for if they did you would be well on your way to being an gold medal Olympian.  I am signing her up for a gymnastics camp but as Marty points out, she will almost definitely be too tall to become really good at gymnastics.  If only she had a short mom to pass on her short genes... what a minute!?! :) 

And then we headed home, her on her bike and me running beside trying to keep up.  What a metaphor for what life with her has become lately.  She is growing up fast, that is for sure.  I'm so thankful for the times, even if few and far between, that we get to spend together.  

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