Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Walking to the Bus

For most of the year walking to help Josie get on the school bus in the morning has been a cold, wet or rainy endeavor.  Since Marty left his job at KMTT in late December he has taken over the bulk of this morning job.   Lately with the nice and warmer spring weather we have made it a family affair.  Josie and Benjamin ride and Marty and I walk or push. Usually there is a competition over who is going faster and in the 4+ blocks to the stop they each take a couple turns being in front.  Once Josie gets on the bus I ride her bike home.  Sadly, it is only just a teeny bit too small for me!! 

 Benjamin always demands to go right over the cobble stones where Josie always pulls ahead for the final stretch to the stop.

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