Tuesday, June 25, 2013

First Tooth is Gone!

And just like that her first tooth is out and she is so proud of her little gap.  Thankfully, with just a few weeks left of school, because it wouldn't have been nearly as cool to have lost it in the summer without being able to show it off to her kindergarten friends, Josie lost her first tooth.  She had been wiggling her tooth for a few weeks and kept saying,
"It is loose, it is, it is!!"
A) It wasn't even close to loose!
B.) I would have been more likely to believe her if she hadn't said that about 5 or 6 of her teeth... some were her molars!! 
But then day she came home from school and it was legitimately loose and then she whined a lot about it being painful when she ate.  The next morning she said it hurt so she had yogurt and soft pancakes so as not to disturb it.  With one big bite of pancake in her mouth she starting saying that it really hurt.  I looked inside and it was gone.  She nearly swallowed her tooth along with her pancake!!  But we salvaged it and she was thrilled to experience the Tooth Fairy for the first time :)   She had heard a lot from classmates because most have already lost a tooth or 5!! She is one of the oldest kids in class with her September birthday so we knew it was just a matter of time.  Her first tooth came in kind of late (around 9 months) so I guess it makes sense that she looses them a bit later too.  Bye Bye first baby tooth.  Now she claims she has  a bunch more loose teeth... we shall see how long the rest take. 

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