Monday, June 3, 2013

T H R E E ! !

This cutie patootie goofball turned 3 on April 23rd.  He has no clue he is only three he is fully convinced he is 6 like Josie and already has a preference over which friends she brings home.  I can foresee some crushes on his older sister's friends in the future.  He is really rough and tumble but also extremely tenderhearted and sensitive.  He will smack you for no reason and then give you a huge hug and say a heartfelt sorry.  He is very social and LOVES to be around people.  He has come a LONG way in the separation (mostly from me) department and now ventures up to just about anyone and asks them for something that he wants.   Normally it is to pet their dog or play with a toy or the other day we were at the beach and about 20 feet away from where we were sitting he saw a young teenage girl burying her legs in the sand. So he walked right up to her, sat down and asked her if she could bury his legs.  She was so sweet with him and buried his legs and then played with him for about 20 minutes building sand castles.  Happy Birthday to our big/little man, Benjamin Fritz.   We love you more than you will ever know. 
As usual, we celebrated with several parties.  A few days before his birthday we had the whole Riemer clan over for traditional German breakfast. 

A little before breakfast birthday flying.

Josie entertains the group at the piano after breakfast and before presents.

Happy Birthday to you... waiting to blow out the candles.  I'm not sure what he is more excited about the fire or the chocolate cake.

Ready, set,... BLOW
Alright, Mom!!  Just give me a piece, already!!
Benjamin happily eating while the others wait in anticipation :)
We didn't get a good photo of the whole group but here are a few of the Riemer women
Here's to a GREAT year of being THREE!!
I forgot to add these videos to the original post.  Enjoying the birthday gifts. 

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